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Throughout 2022 Peter and Lloyd will be hosting video live streams and discord chat sessions. If you can't join them in person, we will write up a recap of each discord chat and you'll be able to watch a replay of all the live streams at any time.

We can announce that the first Discord Chat will take place on Tues 1st Feb at 11am PT [Los Angeles]. The chat session will last about an hour and it will take place on the ERB Discord server in the #concepts-and-spoilers channel. 

Hope you can make it! :) We will be primarily discussing ideas for future battles.


If you haven't already done so please remember to switch your current Patreon tier to the brand new "Crew 2022" one. For those unaware this year we are operating one single tier priced at just $5. [The old tiers of Crew, Writer & Director are being retired] 

Note: for former Director tier patrons who were due to receive free items as part of their previous benefits, we expect to be able to start dispatching those items in the next 7-10 days. We haven't forgot about you. :) You will be receiving a final package soon.

For an explanation about why we made these changes please check out this post: 


If you don't switch tiers the Patreon system will charge you the cost of your old tier so please switch over as soon as possible to avoid paying too much. You can edit your tier in your Patreon settings.

The basic aim of the new $5 tier was to amalgamate as many of the previous benefits into one lower cost tier. 



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