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Good morning, I'm Nice Peter and welcome to this afternoon's edition of Make This Battle. Tonight, we'll be looking at a crop of new suggestions some of you submitted, I will be firing from the hip with my opinions, and shamefully googling to fill in the gaps of my general knowledge. So, let's begin...

Annie Oakley vs Katniss Everdeen [submitted by Michael Fairbairn]

Katniss, oh we could have put you in Season 4. I think you would have fared well. Now... I just don't know.  You seem very yesteryear, and not in the White Christmas sort of way.   Casting my doubts aside, let's examine this specific combination with Annie Oakley. It's pretty great. This is my favorite matchup for Katniss EverGreen or however you spell it, that I've ever seen. Annie Oakley is a very cool historical figure, she's got class and style, the music could be awesome, the quick draw antics could be awesome, and let's face it, she revolutionized the look of volleyball eye protection. ;)

Archimedes vs Galileo Galilei [submitted by J-Star] 

If this was a salad dressing, I'd say it needed more vinegar, because it's bland. That's not to say it doesn't have value, nutrition, etc. It just doesn't, to me, have that "oh yeah I'd like to watch that!" feeling that I like to feel about an ERB. It feels like an awesome project for high school math class.  If anyone out there needs mixing or After Effects work done on their high school math project and wants to take on this matchup, drop me a line. Until then, I'll be thinking about it, and napping.

Spock vs Professor X [submitted by Daan Vermeulen]

Fun. Lloyd has ALWAYS wanted to do Professor X. I like me some Spock. I don't know if it beats Malcolm X vs Professor X, but it is nerdy and cool, which to me is always a good sign.  The jokes write themselves, the characters dress themselves. Lots to play with here. I don't know if it beats Jean Luc Picard vs anyone, but you've gotta have a bench to pull from, right? Have a seat on the bench, Messrs Spock and... X.... you can pop a squat right there next to Link.

Alex Jones vs Hunter S Thompson [submitted by MarblePipes]

Hahahaha. This is funny. What a shiny tomato of a turd Alex Jones is. He just keeps getting worse. My only issue with putting him in a battle is that he'd be such a heel, he'd make Bieber vs Beethoven look like an even match. What a giant talking pimple that man has become. Hunter S Thomson is fun, I don't know enough about him to say much here, but I know he's got merit and potential, and is a great adversary for Alex Jones. I think he would probably just shoot him, but I also think Jones' steady diet of supplements makes him immune to all weapons.

Mary Poppins vs Beetlejuice [submitted by the poppins beetlejuice guy]

Cool. I like this. Lots of fun and colors, and the potential to finally use this "slick man, sike!" rhyme I've been sitting on for years. Beetlejuice has always been a popular suggestion, which is funny to me since that movie is so old. It was already old when we started ERB, has Beetlejuice become timeless? I think perhaps it has. What a world. I like this one, my favorite of the bunch so far. The announcer would say his name once, and nothing would happen... right? And then he'd say it again... and then Mary Poppins would start to an empty room, and then end her first verse with his name and he'd pop in.... something like that?

Jimi Hendrix vs Kurt Cobain [submitted by Bassy]

Is it finally time? I hate the "celebrating dumb early death" thing, but this sure is a popular suggestion. Always has been. That said, if we're going to cast a black guitar god and a waify white singer, shouldn't we just do Bowie vs Prince? Hmm. Tough one.

Kratos vs Sun Wukong [submitted by Swan & fishbulb]

You know I was starting to feel pretty cocky not having to Google yet, I'm glad you put me back in my place. Sun Wutang who? Oooooo the Monkey King... yes, he looks awesome.   Fun story... Chinese Hercules/Atlas type.... magic hair.... I like it. Whoa... he's like a 16th century T-1000 too? Holy shit and he's Storm? But ... he's.... a monkey. Got it. This is the most interesting suggestion for sure, mostly because I don't fully understand it yet, but I've always wanted an excuse to play God of War anyway so.... :)

A real interesting set of ideas. Thank you all! - np


Finally, our manager HeadMonk offers thoughts on some of these matchups...

Spock was my favorite character in the original Star Trek and I think we could definitely re-explore Star Trek in an ERB again. It's been ages since the "Columbus vs Kirk" battle. I know some people want to see Picard. But I think I slightly prefer Spock. But, I am totally open to either character. More Star Trek would be fun. And Professor X and Spock does have a nice ring to it. Think it's got a lot of juice match-up wise.

In terms of Hendrix vs Cobain I've always liked it. Bowie vs Prince is on a very similar level. I've no real preference but it kinda annoys me that these two ideas have sat around not being made. Maybe we need a musician based royale to get them some, or all of them, off the side lines. Maybe we just pick one pairing and stop procrastinating!

If you asked me one thing that makes no sense to me about ERB, is that we have only ever featured Mario Bros and Master Chief in an ERB. We need more video game characters. Kratos is one good option. There are plenty more. I certainly like the idea of a historical opponent for Kratos. And Sun Wukong has grown on me. I'm gonna research him properly in the next month. Let's see if this is really THE best match-up for the god of war.


So as one round closes, another round of MTB opens!!

The theme this time is. simply.. "2022". 

To kick off the new year we just want to keep it simple. We want to see some match-ups that you think would be best if we did them this year, rather than wait any longer. 

It might be because they are gonna be trending news in the next 12 months or it might be a significant anniversary or it might be just because you are sick of waiting haha. I just wanted a nice easy loose theme to kick off 2022. 

You can of course always ignore the theme completely if you prefer. But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that particularly suit the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. Three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Sunday 23rd January.




Kim Kardashian vs Barbie