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Yesterday Pete and Lloyd appeared on the Discord server for this months chat session. Here is a quick over view about what was discussed.

WARNING: This post contains a lot of spoiler type information so if you don't want to read that then please look away. Thanks

After a few hellos and niceties and a joke from patron FoxDoc ("What do you call an anxious Jedi? Answer: Panakin Skywalker) the guys started to discuss the next ERB.

They confirmed they are going to be filming the "Ragnar Lodbrok vs Richard I" battle this weekend! So that is exciting. And a little scary too.

Our "Streamy Award Winning Costume Designer" Morgan has been busy putting together costume pieces for the two characters and Peter shared a few images of some of the items including a sword, chainmail, armor and tunic. (I'll post the photos down below)

The guys confirmed they had been working on lyrics for a while now and recently did a video call with Zach Sherwin for six hours to rework some ideas.

One reference they were keen to find a joke for was in relation to how Richard I died from a bout of Gangrene (after being shot with a crossbow). It's a flesh eating disease. 

After a short discussion we came to two potential lines 1)  "What's eating you Richard? Oh yeah, Gangrene" and 2) "I'd eat you alive but gangrene beat me to it". Both solid options.

The guys then confirmed the beat for the battle is currently being put together. Its sounding good. But, it's not finished yet.

They then briefly discussed accents for the audio. Peter doesn't intend to do an English accent for Richard, because although he was King Of England he barely spoke the language. Pete stated he intends to do a" uppity approach to Richard, menacing and aggressive but rich and educated". 

Pete confirmed Javi, Josh, Ross and himself would be working on the editing of the battle. They haven't yet decided on backgrounds for the battle. But at the moment a green Aurora Borealis style may suit Ragnar whilst a castle with red sunset might be cool for Richard. But those decisions will be made at a later date.

They concluded talk about the battle by asking patrons to submit ideas in the current writing room channel for the battle (#shaggy-spoiler) for a few references they are interested including 1) Aqua Teen Hunger Force / play on word Aquitaine, 2) Richard's 20 year betrothment to Alice 3) more jokes about Richard dying from Gangrene. 

Finally, one patron called Nick asked what the guys thought about the idea of a "Yugi Muto vs Bobby Fischer" battle. Pete said 'it's not bad' and it was 'growing on me'. Lloyd did not respond to the idea. [One thing I can confirm is Pete is terrible at playing chess]

The session then concluded with Maryam giving people virtual hugs. And doubtless DragonsBlood23 wondering if his dream of a Bibleman reference still had hope. As the phrase goes... 'it's the hope that kills you".

Thank you to everyone who attended the session. This week is gonna be a busy one. Lots to sort out and lots that could potentially go wrong. So, keep your fingers crossed for us.

Talk soon!! :)



Eric Forsman

Nice to know you still think of me Bibleman shall be referenced someday *Waves fist*

Nick Z.

My first mention in a patreon post! And it's abiut Yugi! Win-Win