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On Sunday Peter and Lloyd held this months Discord chat session. So as usual this is just a quick recap of what was during the hour long chat. (If you wish to read back the entire transcript of the discussion, the start of the chat is pinned in the #concepts-and-spoilers channel)

[Please note: for those of you who don't want to read spoiler type information, then maybe don't read any further of this post]

Peter began the chat explaining that they had spoken to Scru Face Jean about portraying Mansa Musa in a future battle, and how cool it is that Scru is from Nigeria; which is a country located very close to the Musa's Mali Empire. Peter and Lloyd actually have a video call with Scru later today to discuss the battle. :)

The guys have been looking through the writing channel for the battle (#mercury-spoiler) and have been impressed with the ideas and jokes patrons have come up with so far. Please keep them coming and if you haven't submitted ideas before there is still time to get involved. The writing channel will be open for the rest of March at least.

His opponent for the battle is Jeff Bezos and Pete recommended reading the book "The Everything Store" if you want to dig down and research about Bezos. We are currently looking for more specific ideas that could reference Kindle, Blue Origin, Silicon Valley, Ebay, Stocks, Seattle etc. Lloyd indicated we also need more ideas that are "not Bezos flexes but more digs on Mansa".

But as always it's more the merrier concept / reference wise. Peter stated "we're feeling great about that battle, going to go all in on it for writing / rewriting / rewriting and recording".

Switching focus a patron asked what "our goals are for the season premiere". Pete stated that the basic situation is we have no idea and can't predict how this year will play out. We intend to focus completely on writing some battles and see where we end up. We certainly hope to release some new videos but no idea how many or exactly when that will be. 

Apart from Musa vs Bezos the other battle we are currently focussed on is Godzilla vs King Kong. We've been cranking on those lyrics for a few weeks and its been going well. Lloyd has been leading that particular writing work with Peter more focussed on the Bezos battle.

The guys then discussed the recent Most Wanted: Mussolini poll. Over on YouTube Saddam Hussein was the overwhelming winner with 40% of the vote; which surprised Peter. There were many varied, strong willed responses about the characters involved in the poll - Rocky, Hussein, Mao, Barca & Nero. But Peter and Lloyd still have no clear preference on any of them, so for now Mussolini remains in limbo. 

[I'll be honest - I feel Mussolini vs Rocky could be a great battle and the right balance for Mussolini to make it more comedic rather than too dark or dry material wise. Lloyd as Mussolini is a easy casting, with Jesse Wellens aka Leonidas a good option for Rocky. Some may not like the Italian Stallion as the answer, but its the kind of match-up I think the guys could really knock outta the park writing wise and it could look great video wise too. Adriaaaaaaaaannnn!]

Peter then moved on to discuss Van Gogh vs Andy Warhol which is a matchup that's existed for years and one which we've talked about in other recent Discord sessions. We jumped on a call with Zach and he wasn't particularly wild about the pairing. A royale involving multiple characters could be an alternative approach. Peter indicated he's gonna read more about Warhol but at the moment that matchup is parked on the table.

A patron raised the idea of doing a battle featuring the fashion world - possibly Coco Chanel vs Versace. Both Peter and Lloyd were down with the basic concept of a fashion based battle, but didn't know too much about the two individuals. Pete stated he would look more into them. 

Another character that popped up at the end of the chat was Jigsaw (as he often does on a daily basis on the discord server!) and Peter suggested the pairing of Jigsaw vs Willy Wonka. Some patrons loved it. Others didn't. But, it's certainly interesting. The connection may not be obvious to some but it's very much there. Pete said he'd discuss the idea with Zach this week.


That concludes this recap. Remember, this months video live stream is on Sunday 28th March at 2.30pm PT. If you have any thoughts about this Discord chat session, feel free to post them in the comments or email us at: erbpatreon@gmail.com

Thanks all! Talk soon.




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