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Yesterday Peter and Lloyd held a hour long chat in our Discord server and I just want to recap what was discussed for those that missed it. (But if you wish to read back through the entire discussion the start of the chat is pinned in the #concepts-and-spoilers channel)

[Please note: for those of you who don't want to read spoiler type information, then maybe don't read any further of this post] :o)

Ok, let's get on with the recap shall we.

The first match-up idea that was discussed in depth yesterday was Jeff Bezos vs Lex Luthor. Two bald powerful rich men, which could be a good idea for a future Pete vs Lloyd battle. Lloyd as Luthor and Peter as Bezos seemed to be the preferred casting. Some patrons felt Mansa Musa or John D. Rockefeller or Willy Wonka could be alternatives to Luthor.

A second match-up discussed was Ulysses S. Grant vs Robert E. Lee which would clearly be a US Civil War centred battle. Pete has been reading (and enjoying) a biography called "Grant" by Ron Chernow and feels he could be a juicy character for a future ERB. Patrons weren't too keen on Robert E. Lee being Grant's opponent and an alternative idea - Ulysses S. Grant vs George S. Patton - was brought up which Pete also liked the sound of. One concern some patrons had was the fact it was 'too American'. Pancho Villa, Toussaint L'Oveurture, Ho Chi Minh were other options brought up.

A third match-up spoke about was Godzilla vs King Kong (which if you are unaware is one which patrons have been submitting lyric ideas for on the discord server). News broke this week that the upcoming film has been brought forward to a March 2020 release. Pete is still unsure about the match-up but he admits it could be a lot of fun. Lloyd is very keen on it and it's one we are gonna consider for a battle this year. We may wait until we watch the film to make a final decision.

We also briefly discussed the other current writing rooms on Discord (Mussolini vs Nero and Sub-Zero vs Elsa). Pete is still not sure about Nero. Lloyd has doubts about how we could pull off the violence and bloodshed that Sub Zero / Mortal Kombat is known for especially against a Disney / child friendly character like Elsa. But they are still two strong ideas that are floating around. 

If you have any thoughts about these specific five match-up ideas feel free to post them in the comments or email us at: erbpatreon@gmail.com  There is a strong possibility that we will open up a new channel on discord for lyric submissions for either Grant vs Patton or Bezos vs Luthor - but no decision has been made yet. Your opinions might just change our mind. :o) 

That concludes the recap. We might do more recaps like this if you find them beneficial. One quick reminder - on Sunday (Jan 24th) at 2.30pm PT Pete and Lloyd will be hosting a video live stream here on Patreon, so we hopefully will see you there! (You can watch a replay later if you can't tune in live)

Talk soon! 

PS: if you are interested in submitting lyrics for the three current writing rooms, please be aware that the deadline for submissions are as follows: Mussolini vs Nero - Jan 20th, Sub-Zero vs Elsa - Jan 20th, Godzilla vs King Kong - Jan 31st. You can locate the three writing channels on the Discord - they are named 'antichrist', 'burnout' and 'toxicity'.



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