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Firstly - enjoy the little dance battle video above. :)

Secondly - we've looked through all your MakeThisBattle submissions and Lloyd has offered feedback on seven of them. (Remember to vote on the corresponding poll! See the separate post on Patreon. Votes are instant! No counting delays!) 

The theme this time was 'Bad-Asses" so some of the match-ups selected fit that theme. let's see what Lloyd thought of them all...

Sub-Zero vs Elsa [Submitted by Glenock]

I'm not sure that I like this one but I do think this matchup would decimate the internet. My three nieces alone would probably put 10 million views on it alone. It's a really nice mix of something very classically female and very classically male. The ice connection is a no brainer and each character has a ton of pop culture draw. Massive Disney character + hall of fame video game character = winner.  We might actually need to do this one for real.

Hunter S. Thompson vs Borat [Submitted by spoiler]

If Zach plays Borat I'm totally down. I think if I watched that Johnny Depp movie a whole bunch I could make a pretty fun Thompson as well. I mean this is pretty close:  https://youtu.be/EnsTE3hd97w?t=153  I don't think that this matchup would be a massive hit view wise just based off name recognition, but I do think it might be a cult hit and grow longer than many might expect.  It has the opportunity to be a really FUNNY battle which I think we are due for.  We've had a good long string of intense battles all in a row and maybe it's time to lighten it up in 2021? 

Bass Reeves vs Zorro [Submitted by Foxdoc & Swegmaster]

Ok. I have no idea who Bass Reeves is so that's not a great sign. Looking it up now....Yo this guy is awesome!!!  Where's the movie? Wtf? Ok, this guy is my new favorite. I wish I had learned about these type of dudes when I was in school instead of having to hear about ancient Greek dudes who had nothing to do with being rad. That's probably a great reason to put Reeves into a battle. ERB I think is sometimes a way to learn things and this would be a great opportunity to do that. Zorro is of course a mainstay but again, I think most people just know the name and maybe one or two surface things. With any amount of digging, I'm sure we could bring a lot of cool things about him to light. Man, lots of good ideas so far!

King Henry VIII vs John F. Kennedy [Submitted by Paddy]

I like JFK a lot and I think he's a U.S. President that really needs to be done. The voice is classic. The story around him is tragic and the history and backstory is anything but simple.  Perfect character. Now matching him up with Henry VIII? I don't think so. One reason is cause we kinda already did Henry VIII. I know I know, it wasn't good but still, I think the match up with Clinton is better. He was matched up with a female which I think is better seeing as his history with the ladies is pretty awful. Hillary and he, have a lot more legitimate beef and present a more interesting fight. All in all, two fun characters but not the right matchup for me.

Jesse Owens vs Jackie Robinson [Submitted by Dante Walton]

Mmmmm, no. I don't like it. I don't like taking two African American athletes who were ground breaking in their efforts to integrate sports and then pitting them against each other.  It feels a little exploitive. What's the beef? Who's the best at overcoming shitty situations? I don't like what putting these guys against each other would force them to have to say about one another. In real life, the shared experience of overcoming systematic racism would likely make them tight friends rather than competitors. Now could we come up with good jokes? Sure. But I feel like they would end there and be only jokes forever. No deeper meaning and no lasting message. It's just ok. I like the idea of both of these dudes in a future ERB, just not against each other.

Firelord Ozai vs Emperor Palpatine [Submitted by JokerRose]

I just don't think we can hinge an entire battle off of a character that is a Nickelodeon show.  I know I know, I'm a dick but sorry, it's just not well known enough universally.  I've literally never seen those words together in a sentence. Maybe if it had more legs or was more classic like Doug or one of those childhood favorites I'd be warmed to it, but as it stands I can't get behind it. And Palpatine...meh. If we were doing a whole run of just Star Wars characters possibly but to choose him before some of the other classic characters seems like a waste.

Blade vs Buffy [Submitted by Leo M.R]

This is just straight-up joyful. I really kind of dig it. I like that it's male vs female. I like that there's diversity.  The characters are pretty classic and well know. Plus there are swords! I think it might be received with much criticism especially in a year where we don't release many videos but if we had a full run of battles, I think might fit nicely in someplace.  


"Monk's Hot Takes" - our manager offers some extra words!

I actually like King Henry VIII enough to not even worry about the Clinton battle that got canned. And I think if we did it we'd have to get a prime time opponent to really big it up and usurp any memory of that bad battle. So bringing JFK in to the equation is a solid idea. I could get behind it. JFK is one top tier character that we need to cover one day. Hunter S. Thompson is undoubtedly an interesting character that I think would be fun for us to have a bash at in an ERB. Not sure Borat is the answer, but Zach as Borat is funny in itself. Maybe a third party role for Borat could be something to consider, as I think he could offer a great bombastic surprise factor. I like how Bass Reeves has been getting a slow but steady push from some patrons. Not widely known but he's someone who should be on our radar. It's one reason why MTB has been such a useful system this past 12+ months to keep generating ideas. Zorro is a decent opponent. I dig it. Sub-Zero vs Elsa doesn't feel like something we'd do, but never say never. It's solid. Definitely one for further consideration. 


As ever - a new round of MakeThisBattle begins!

The theme this time is "Zach Back"! We miss Zach. He helped write most of the Season 6 battles so far, but didn't end up appearing in one. We should try to change that next year. So we'd like suggestions for match-ups which feature a character that you think might be perfect for Zach to portray. (No need for Borat ideas. We know he'd be great for that role!)

You can ignore the theme completely if you prefer. But, when selecting the match-ups for feedback we will select 2 or more suggestions that match the theme.

Same rules apply. Seven match-ups in total will be selected. Three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 5pm PT on Tuesday 17th November


Election Dance Battle

This is "Election Dance Battle" by ERB on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



*googles what Zach looks like out of makeup* Ira Glass ("This American Life") vs. Michael Moore Vincent and Jules ("Pulp Fiction") vs. Agents J and K ("Men In Black") Chad Kroeger (Nickelback) vs. Taylor Swift


Jigsaw vs Rambo