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We can now confirm the dates / times for this months Patreon events...

Sunday 13th September - 2pm PT - Discord Writing Room Chat Session

Sunday 20th September - 2pm PT - Patreon Video Live Stream

Both of these events are open to all Writer & Director tier patrons. 

The discord chat session will occur in the #concepts-and-spoilers channel on our server. A link to the live stream will be posted on this Patreon page shortly before it begins (you will be able to watch a replay of the stream if you can't watch live). 

They are each one hour in length. Hope you can attend one or both. :)

You can watch a replay of last months live stream (including the "Pete getting rickrolled" clip) by clicking the video above or over here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41035282


PATREON LIVE STREAM - AUG 30TH 2020 - Crowdcast

Register now for EpicLLOYD's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Sunday August 30, 2020 at 10:00 pm BST.



I’ve missed so much this month since I’ve been working so much. Being an essential worker is not fun.

Meg Mitchell

So why are you still agreeing to be an essential worker? Haven't you noticed that all the unemployed people are having more fun? What are you afraid of?