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We can now announce the winners of last months ERB Quiz!

The overall winner with a fantastic and unequalled score of 12 is... JokerRose! She is actually a Director tier level patron so she scoops both main prizes - the iron bar from the Joker vs Pennywise battle and the orc mask from the Tolkien vs Martin battle. We know you were super keen to win the iron bar cos you're a big Joker fan. So, well done you! 

But, we also have a random winner who walks away with a free ERB t-shirt, pin badge and wristband and this month that lucky winner is... Muzza (you might have only scored 7 but for the random merch prize your score doesn't matter. Well done sir!)

Quick shout out to some of you scored high but just missed out... Dante Walton, Gilmer10, Polar Princessa, Tzyt, Erik Bell, MozartJr & BTTF all scored 11. And Kodi Robinson, Cullen Cole, Newjersysuccesstory, SmashGrrl, TulipKing & CooperTaunt all scored 10.

Commiserations to everyone who didn't win a prize. Better luck next time! We'll have a new quiz for you later this month with more ace prizes. 

Below are all the correct answers to the questions so you can see where you went wrong!


1) If you were asked to paint a Chicken coop what color would it be best to paint it - Yellow, Red, Green or Blue? A) Red [Chickens are attracted to the color red. If you want to attract chickens to your coop, paint it and the nesting boxes a nice bright shade of red]

2) Which European country is known as the home for a group of angry birds - Germany, Holland, Finland or Norway? A) Finland [The popular video game "Angry Birds" is created by the Finnish company Rovio Entertainment]

3) What could be found in a fridge that is associated with the number 314 - Jam, Potato, Cheese or Pie? A) Pie [The number π often referred to as 'Pi" is a mathematical constant. It is defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, and appears in many formulas in all areas of mathematics and physics. It is approximately equal to 3.14159]

4) Which letter could be associated best with the terms temperance, prudence, courage, and justice - B, F, V or W? A) the letter V [The four terms - temperance, prudence, courage, and justice - are all virtues. A virtue is a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good]

5) Which combination of date, country, term and number below has an actual link to a famous event? A) 14 October / England / Confess / 13 [On the 14th October the Battle of Hastings took place in England. It came after the death of the childless King Edward the Confessor which set off a struggle to gain control of power. The name William (“wil,” meaning desire, and “helm,” meaning protection), was introduced to England by William the Conqueror and by the 13th century was the most common name among English men]

6) Which fictional character and animal combination is the odd one out - He-Man & Tiger, Tintin & Dog, Zorro & Fox or Shrek & Donkey? [clue: lingo] A) Zorro / Fox [He-Man had a pet tiger called Battle Cat. Tintin had a dog called Snowy. Shrek had a friend called Donkey. Whereas Zorro is the odd one out as he didn't have a pet or friend fox. However, the word Zorro actually means fox in Spanish]

7) Which name is the odd one out - Conker, Rocky, Mickey or Skippy? [clue: safe] A) Mickey [Conker the Squirrel appeared in the video game "Diddy Kong Racing". A squirrel called Rocky appeared in the animated series "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show". Skippy the Squirrel appeared in the animated series "Animaniacs". The odd one out is Mickey as there is no well known squirrel called Mickey - but there is a certain Disney mouse]

8) Which famous person from France is the odd one out - Maximilien Robespierre, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon Bonaparte or Louis XVI? [clue: snipes] A) Napoleon Bonaparte [The other three were all executed by guillotine. Whereas Napoleon died a natural death - thought to be stomach cancer - at the age of 51]

9) Which company is the odd one out - Amazon, MySpace, Alaska Airlines or Starbucks? [clue: globe] A) MySpace [The other three companies all have their headquarters in Seattle, Washington. Whilst Myspace has never been based there, although Chris DeWolfe (co-founder and original CEO) went to the University of Washington in Seattle]

10) Which invention is the odd one out - Gunpowder, Paper, Calculator or Compass? [clue: rivalry] A) Calculator [The other three inventions were all created in China. Whereas the modern pocket calculator was created in approx 1970 in Japan]

11) I like to stay in my house all day long. I'm certainly in no rush to be anywhere. But I do enjoy hitting the beach and going swimming. My kind are spread out worldwide. Some of my distant family members even dabble in martial arts. I have a lot of kids but I don't keep in touch. I just want to live a long life so take things slow and steady. What am I? A) Turtle - although we accepted the answer "Tortoise" too. [Turtles "stay in their house all day" because of their shell which acts as their shield against other predators. Turtles often spend most of their lives in water. But they do lay their eggs in the sand on beaches etc. They can be found on every continent apart from Antarctica. The well known animated comic series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles involved turtles with martial arts skills. Turtles can lay 100+ eggs at a time but once a nest is completed, the female never returns to it. The eggs and resulting hatch-lings are left to fend for themselves. Some species of turtle can live for over 100 years. Turtles have a slow metabolism, are herbivores so don't hunt their prey and have a shell for protection so they don't have to move very fast]

12) Peter was given 20 seconds to name an opponent to face Flash Gordon in a future battle - Keanu Reeves, Judge Dredd, Brian May or The Flash - who did he select? A) Brian May

13) Lloyd was given 20 seconds to name an opponent to face Pamela Anderson in a future battle - Tommy Lee, Paris Hilton, Cher or David Hasselhoff - who did he select? A) Tommy Lee

14) Pete was asked if he had to cast Snoop Dogg in another battle which character does he think he'd be perfect for - Samual Jackson, Mansa Musa, God or Malcolm X? A) God

15) Lloyd was asked if he had to cast George Watsky in another battle which character does he think he'd be perfect for - Mad Hatter, Jack Sparrow, Ichabod Crane or Norman Bates? A) Ichabod Crane

16) Pete was asked if he had to share a desert island for a year with one previous ERB guest rapper - who would he choose - Jenna Marbles, DeStorm Power, Rob Rico or Ray William Johnson? A) DeStorm Power

17) Lloyd was asked if he had to share a prison cell with one previous ERB guest rapper for a year - Weird Al, Snopp Dogg, Ben Atha or T-Pain - who would he choose? A) Weird Al

18) Pete was asked if he had the chance to visit one of the following places - Great Wall Of China, Pyramids of Giza, Machu Picchu or Mayan Ruins of Tikal - which would he go to? A) Mayan Ruins of Tikal

19) Lloyd was asked if he had spend one hour locked in a room full of either snakes, spiders, bees or rats - which animal would he choose? A) Spiders

20) What number between 1 and 1000 does Pete have stuck to his forehead in the image below? A) 748

Thanks to everyone who entered. New quiz coming soon!



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