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We can finally reveal the winner of the latest quiz! Was it you?

The highest overall scorer was patron Tzyt with a score of 10 - well done to you! You'll be receiving the Guy Fawkes mask which we actually used in the Guevara vs Fawkes battle!

There were four patrons who came in joint second place - CooperTaunt, BTTF, Cullen Cole and Bullseye. As Cullen Cole was the highest finishing Director tier patron - he has scooped the gold lamp which featured in the Carlin vs Pryor battle! Congrats Cullen!

Finally, the bonus random winner this month is GTX20 who will be receiving a ERB T-shirt, pin badge and wristband. (This bonus prize winner is picked at random just for taking part - their quiz score is unimportant)

We'll have a new quiz for you later this month with more cool prizes. You often don't need a huge score to win; as the quizzes are designed to be difficult. Below are all the correct answers to the questions so you can see where you went wrong!


1) If Satan went to a casino which game would he most likely choose to play? A: Roulette (all the numbers of a roulette wheel add up to 666 which is known as the "number of the Beast")

2) What name fits the following description best: "An american made legend born on the 4th of July, with an endless love for doing the impossible without limits." A: Tom (the link is Tom Cruise who starred in the films: American Made, Legend, Born On The 4th Of July, Endless Love, Without Limits and Mission Impossible.

3) What number connects these four countries - Iraq, Greece, Turkey & Egypt? A: Seven (The Ancient Seven Wonders Of The World are located in those four countries)

4) Which colour, number & country combination below has a link? A: Magenta, 161, France (161 years ago The Battle Of Magenta was fought, which ended with a French victory under Napoleon III)

5) Fill in the gaps to solve the equation:- Fahrenheit ____ + Apollo ____ + ____ Samurai + ____ Years In Tibet = ????? A: 476 (The equation involved four films: Fahrenheit 451, Apollo 11 + Seven Samurai + Seven Years In Tibet. When added together the four numbers in the film titles equal 476)

6) Which fictional character is the odd one out - Rip Van Winkle, Buck Rogers, Maleficent or Snow White? [clue: sand] A: Maleficent (Rip Van Winkle, Buck Rogers & Snow White all fell asleep for many years in their stories. Whereas Maleficent is the odd one out - in her story she curses Aurora and puts her into a deep sleep.

7) Which leader is the odd one out - Mahatma Gandhi, Andrew Jackson, James Garfield or Julius Caesar? [clue: creed] A: Andrew Jackson (Gandhi, Garfield and Caesar were all assassinated. While Jackson survived an assassination attempt after a gun jammed.

8) Which film is the odd one out - Ghostbusters, RoboCop, Army Of Darkness or Watchmen? [clue: funny] A: Watchmen (Watchmen was a 2009 film based on the 1986–87 DC Comics limited series by Alan Moore. The film came after the comic. Whereas the other three films spawned comics which were released after the film.

9) Which element is the odd one out - Oxygen, Bromine, Krypton or Chlorine? [clue: juicy] A: Bromine (Bromine is one of only two elements that is a liquid at standard room temperature and pressure. The other three all remain gas elements at room temperature)

10) Which musicians / band are the odd one out - Led Zeppelin, Simon & Garfunkel, Queen or Daft Punk? [clue: multiple] A: Led Zeppelin (Simon & Garfunkel wrote the soundtrack for the film "The Graduate". Queen wrote the soundtrack for "Flash Gordon". Daft Punk wrote the soundtrack for "Tron: Legacy". Whilst Led Zeppelin have never recorded a film soundtrack. Equally throughout their career Led Zeppelin are the odd one out as they were unique in concentrating on releasing albums rather than singles.

11) I'm very, very old and rarely get visitors. But you can always find me if you look hard enough. Some people say I'd float on water but that would be pretty dense of me to try. Cos I'm not people friendly, as I'm so damn big and cold. But it's my precious looks that make me unique. What am I? A: Saturn (The planet is 4.503 billion years old. Only four robotic spacecraft have visited Saturn but astronomers have studied Saturn with telescopes for centuries. It can actually be seen with the naked-eye. Saturn's density is less than water. Things with a density less than water float so some argue that if you could ever find a pool of water big enough Saturn would float. (Although attempting such a feat would probably just result in destruction rather than flotation!) Saturn is a gas giant so without a solid surface, Saturn isn't likely a place humans could ever live. The atmosphere is very cold too -288° Fahrenheit as it is situated so far from the Sun. Saturn's rings ("my precious" was the clue here) are thought to be pieces of comets, asteroids or shattered moons that broke up before they reached the planet, torn apart by Saturn's powerful gravity. 

12) Peter was given 20 seconds to name an opponent to face Dorothy Gale in a future battle - Daenerys Targaryen, Rapunzel, Katniss Everdeen, Tinkerbell - who did he select? A: Tinkerbell

13) Lloyd was given 20 seconds to name an opponent to face WWE wrestler The Undertaker in a future battle - Saint Peter, Satan, Ron Jeremy, Hellboy - who did he select? A: Saint Peter

14) Pete was given four characters from "The Simpsons" - Sideshow Bob, Ned Flanders, Chief Wiggum & Krusty the Clown - which did he most prefer to see in a future battle? A: Ned Flanders

15) Lloyd was given four characters from previous ERB's - Ludwig van Beethoven, William Shakespeare, Sir Isaac Newton & Alexander the Great - which one did he say he'd most prefer to see return in a future ERB? A: Ludwig van Beethoven

16) If Pete was told he could save the world from extinction by doing one of four things - eating monkey brains, drinking Lloyd's urine, eating horses penis, drinking pigs blood - which one would he pick? A: Horse's penis

17) If Lloyd had to represent the USA in playing either Tiddlywinks, Pictionary, Connect Four or Uno - which game does he think he could be a star player of? A: Connect Four

18) Peter was given the names of the five of the best selling books of all time - Don Quixote, A Tale of Two Cities, Lord Of The Rings, The Little Prince & Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone - how many had he read? A: 3

19) Lloyd was given the name of five of the highest grossing horror movies of all time - Get Out, The Sixth Sense, Shutter Island, The Conjuring & The Grudge - how many had he seen? A: 3

20) What number between 1 and 1000 is Lloyd holding up in the image below? A: 462

Thanks to everyone who entered. New quiz coming soon!




I'd like to thank Google! Looking forward to the mask!


I'm surprised how many I managed to guess! I only guessed Magenta because of the commune in France. Had no clue about the battle