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We've been discussing all the ideas you submitted for opponents for Robin Hood in the latest round of "Most Wanted". We had over 50+ different suggestions roll in.

We'd now like you all to vote on the final five that we've narrowed it down to. [As always we will do a separate poll over on the ERB YouTube community page too]

Many of you picked characters that made the final five; but wanna give a quick shout out to a few of you - Gavin Bush, mblpns, Blueagle2003, Michael Johnson & FoxDoc - you all suggested one of the final five picks. Nice work.

REMINDER: Pete & Lloyd are doing a live stream today at approx 2pm PT (Los Angeles) on the ERB YouTube channel. You can watch a replay later, if you can't tune in live. :) If you're unsure of time zones see: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/los-angeles

Anyhow. Less blabbering. Let's get voting! Who do you wanna see face Robin Hood?!


Mik Scheper

Wow, I've never seen one of these be so close! Really calls US-style first-past-the-post-style voting into question! 😉 I wonder if a three-way battle would work.


I would love to see Marx bust in on Zorro vs Robin Hood to tear down the idea that the poor need some middle man in tights and a cape to take the wealth from the rich. the proletariat has to do it themselves!