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Thank you to everyone who took part in last months quiz. We can now reveal the full answers plus confirm the various prize winners. It was another very tight finish with three patrons tied for top spot: BTTF, Zak Allen and Bantha117.

As Zak Allen was the highest finishing Director tier patron he wins the Star Wars Helmet from the Boba Fett vs Deadpool battle.

But to decide the overall winner - we go to the tiebreaker question again - what number was Peter holding up!? BTTF guessed 446. Bantha117 guessed 102. Zak Allen guessed 875.

The actual answer was 649.

So, BTTF is the overall winner and walks away with the Poison Vase from the Ivan The Terrible vs Alexander The Great battle. Well done to you.

Commiserations to Bantha117, but you did win the Thanos Mask last time so maybe it's fair you miss out this time around! ;) 

For this lockdown edition of the quiz we added one final prize for one random person just for taking part even if they got zero answers correct. That lucky devil was SpazzyC who only scored 5 correct answers but wins an ERB T-Shirt, Pin Badge & Wristband. 

Also wanna give a quick shout-out to a few of you who scored high, but were just one point away from matching the top score: Rachel W, Homokóra, Rebecca Prosser, FoxDoc, Asher Rasco & Kali


Better luck next time to you all. Here are the full answers to see where you slipped up:

1) Which metal is the odd one out - Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron? (clue: wheel) A: Bronze (as it is an alloy metal consisting mostly of copper. Alloys are metallic compounds made up of one metal and one or more metal or non-metal elements. - whereas the others are pure metals that are a part of the periodic table)

2)  Which famous person is the odd one out - J.R.R Tolkien, Freddie Mercury, Charlize Theron or Matt Damon? (clue: gold) A: Matt Damon (the other three were all born in Africa. Whereas Matt Damon only starred in Invictus portraying South African François Pienaar)

3) Which type of tree is the odd one out - Oak, Palm, Birch or Maple? (clue: ruminate) A: Palm Tree (it is grouped botanically with grasses whilst the others are all classed as trees)

4) Which type of animal is the odd one out - Whale, Crocodile, Fish or Snake? (clue: poaching) A: Whale (as they give birth to actual baby whales whilst the others all lay eggs)

5) What number is the odd one out - Hundred, Fifty, Ten or Zero? (clue: clock) A: Zero (as it has not got a roman numeral to represent it. Whilst the others all do - 100 = C, 50 = L, Ten = X. The roman numeral system was created primarily for the pricing of goods and to trade. So, at that time there was no need for a symbol to represent zero)

6) Who is the odd one out - Justin Bieber, Jennifer Lawrence, Katy Perry or Barack Obama? (clue: media) A: Jennifer Lawrence (she called Twitter “a weird enigma that people talk about” and said she'd never use the platform. The other three have all got twitter accounts with over 100m followers)

7) If Pete could only eat one flavour of soup for the next few months which soup would he choose - Leek & Potato, Minestrone, Borscht or Pea & Ham? A: Borscht 

8) What activity is Lloyd missing most whilst he is confined to his home - Improv Comedy, Eating Out, Surfing, Working Out? A: Improv Comedy

9) We are all probably watching more TV than we do normally - what was the last film that Peter watched - The Irishman, Silence Of The Lambs, The Exorcist or A Quiet Place? A: The Exorcist

10) If Lloyd had to choose one song to sum up Coronavirus - what song would it be - Don't Stand So Close To Me, Staying Alive, Toxic or U Can't Touch This? A: Staying Alive

11) If Pete was forced to only watch one classic tv game show for a month - which would he choose - The Price Is Right, Family Feud, Wheel Of Fortune or Jeopardy? A: Family Feud

12) If Lloyd was on 'lockdown' in prison on death-row what would his final meal request be - Chocolate Sundae & Apple Pie, Big Mac Meal & KFC Bucket, Bacon, Eggs, Sausage & Beans or T-Bone Steak & BBQ Pizza? A: T-Bone Steak & BBQ Pizza

13) We asked Pete if he had to choose his own magicians name - what would he call himself - Pete Fantasio, Professor Shukoff, Master Foo Ling Yu or Peter The Magnificent? A: Peter The Magnificent

14) If Lloyd could perform live on stage with any musician (dead or alive) which would he choose- Sugar Hill Gang, Atmosphere, Cypress Hill or Salt-N-Pepa? A: Atmosphere

15) Pete was given the name of four music artists - which one did he say he would most prefer to rap in a future ERB - Pink, Cardi B, Usher or Jamiroquai? A: Pink

16) Lloyd was given the name of four comic book characters - which one did he most prefer to see in a future ERB - Silver Surfer, The Riddler, Optimus Prime or Doctor Doom? A: Optimus Prime

17) If Pete had to star in a Hollywood biographical movie which famous person from history would he want to portray - David Copperfield, George Washington, Jim Henson or Ivan The Terrible? A: Jim Henson

18) If Lloyd could be any animal in the world for a day, which would he want to be - Elephant, Gorilla, Cheetah or Eagle? A: Gorilla

19) What number between 1 and 1000 is Pete holding up in the image below? A: 649

Thank you to everyone who took part in the quiz. We'll have a new quiz for y'all later this month, with more cool prizes on offer. See you then.




Congrats on your sweet merch winners!