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Thank you for everyone who submitted ideas in the latest round of MakeThisBattle. Here are Lloyd's thoughts on the selected match-ups. [If your idea wasn't chosen don't be too downhearted - there is always next time!] 

Spider-Man vs Marie Curie [submitted by Dragonsblood23 & mblpns]

Spider-Man has to happen sometime. Easily one of the top 5 superheroes of all time and beloved everywhere. Getting a physical actor to do the stunts etc. required for this character will be insanely difficult and it might merit more of an animated battle to work.  I don't think this particular match up pans out though. Marie Curie is a little more obscure for me. She's very specific and niche. I'd see her more in a cavalcade of characters that need mentioning for their scientific accomplishments, but it's harder to have her hold up an entire battle. And I just don't think she is known well enough to give a good competition to the popularity of Spider-Man.

Odysseus vs Sinbad [submitted by Leon M.R]

First off, I assume we are talking about Sinbad the pirate and not Sinbad the comedian!! Ok, given that, I think this match-up is...decent. In so much as both characters are about equally well known. Neither is far more popular than the other which levels the playing field. That said, neither really excites me too much. I don't have any working knowledge of Sinbad and I think that'd be the same for many people. The Clash of the Titans movies would be the main reference for Odysseus  which were awesome. [That's Perseus though! - HM] I think those characters from those myths (Medussa, Zeus, The Kraken, Posedian etc.) would provide a lot of fun visuals and references.    

George S. Patton vs Kratos [submitted by Neo]

I really love the God of War series and of course, anything WWII is ripe; but I think I must be missing something here. Both are heroes I think, well Kratos is pretty awful sometimes, but I don't see what the real connection is. It feels a little thin. I do like both of these characters as individuals and think they both deserve a spot in ERB at some point. I just don't think that this particular pairing is the strongest.  

Johnny Knoxville vs Evel Knievel [submitted by teddyfail]

I don't hate this at all. It's a nice mix of the old and new for me and also a theme that we haven't done in terms of daredevils. It is entertainment but it's a specific niche of that category some are really into. Nice visuals in the motorcycle and striped outfit for Knievel and then the timely crazy drug-infused antics of the Jackass crew. Ripe for cameos (Steve-O etc.) and I can see some people going crazy for this match up; cos those Jackass fans are nutty. I can see the challenge similar to Tony Hawk in that we'd need to replicate some of the things these people did. A killer motorcycle jump is very doable. Then we can just have Johnny try and punch a bull or something. I like this one. 

Rorschach vs Atticus Finch [submitted by Eoghan]

This is prettttttttyy deep. I like Rorschach from the Watchmen series, but he might be a little unknown still to the average person. He did kick major ass in the movie though and that earns points. In terms of Atticus Finch I don't remember too much except for a few fleeting memories from high school English class. So that makes writing a battle around him pretty tough. But "To Kill a Mocking Bird"  is a well known classic; I just don't know if that is enough to make Finch viable for an ERB. I have to say this battle match-up is a long shot for sure.

Karl Marx vs Robin Hood [submitted by mblpns]

Both these characters need to be done someday, but I'm not certain this is the combination. I do like it a lot better than like Robin Hood vs Hawkeye or some other bow and arrow guy. And I understand the connection straight away, so that's good. Actually I'm liking this a little more as I type this. There is potential here. People know a lot about these characters and I think they'd bring very different energies to the music too. It's a good match-up with a strong contrast. I was never a massive fan of Karl Marx vs the Marx Brothers anyways ;)

Hellboy vs Maleficent [submitted by Dr Bray]

This is fun. Maleficent is a great character and I like a woman being as kick-ass as she is in the movies. She has cool powers and that world is full of fun visuals and little critters that we could pepper all throughout her verse. Same with Hellboy. Both these characters are about the same in terms of popularity so it'd be evenly matched. I can picture Hellboy being down in the depths of hell just surrounded by flames and stuff and that'd be great. Casting Maleficent would be a challenge, but one that'd I'd love to take part in. Of course, I would wanna play Hellboy!


"Monk's Hot Takes" - our manager HeadMonk offers a few thoughts...

Karl Marx vs Robin Hood: Both these characters crop up in fan discussion often. And I actually do like the idea of combining the two. Marx obviously brings heavy layers of political and intellectual thinking. Robin Hood has that swash-buckling air of confidence and that underlying socialist view of distributing wealth from the rich to the poor. I also like the fact Robin is a bit of a 'champagne socialist' which would probably really annoy Marx. Did Robin really want to effect change for the people? I think Marx might view him as simply getting up to mischief with his merry men on a fairly transparent level. There is beef here for sure.

Rorschach vs Atticus Finch: 'To Kill A Mocking Bird' is undoubtedly a classic book. And Finch a much loved character. Even voted No.1 in a best heroes/villains poll by American Film Institute. But is that enough after 60 years since it was published? It just feels a little off somehow. Dare I say, not as important as it is held up to be. In terms of Rorschach I do really like the Watchmen series and it's importance to comic book development. He has a defined and interesting look & persona. And I am a sucker for a vigilante crime-fighter. I'd like to see him in ERB one day if the right opponent comes along.

Spiderman vs Marie Curie: I get the radioactive link. But past that. I kinda imagine the look of the thumbnail, the title card, the battle, everything - has the potential to be rather yucky. I know we did Thanos vs Oppenheimer which has a similar vibe conceptually and it turned out great. But trying to repeat the feat with Spiderman just feels unnecessary and no where near as much fun.

PS I actually quite like the idea of George S Patton vs Kratos. It's grown on me since I first saw the suggestion. I can imagine it offering up a lot of cool possibilities visually. And those two are the type of characters that could really go at it. It's a fun idea. - HM


We are now accepting your submissions for a new round of MakeThisBattle. :)

The theme this time is "Apocalypse Now". We are looking for characters that are known for bringing fear, death or destruction. Or characters who are known for standing up and fighting back against such oppression. Or anything that mildly fits that theme. 

As ever you can ignore this theme completely if you wish!

Same rules apply as normal. Three suggestions per person. You can post them in the comments below, email them to erbpatreon@gmail.com or post them on the Discord server in the dedicated '#make-this-battle' channel.

Deadline for submissions is... 9am PT on Thursday 9th April.




an explorer battle royale between Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, Nathan Drake and Dora the explorer. Ibn Battuta vs Marco Polo with Leif Erikson jumping in Mansa Musa vs John D. Rockefeller.


Robin Hood vs Karl Marx sounds like the best possible match up for them. Just my opinion, been watching for nine years. Edit: I'm also coming around to Homer Simpson vs. Nostradamus, but Homer would be so ugly. Nostradamus needs a rap battle though.