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Our costume designer Morgan Christensen dropped in to the Discord server this week to chat with patrons for over an hour. [f you missed it you can still check it out - just go to the pinned message in 'drop-in-chat' channel on the Discord]

He has also kindly answered a bunch of questions that patrons submitted. So, let's see what he had to say...

What is your background? Like school, past job, etc.?

Oh boy! One simple path to becoming a costume designer. I will give it to you in list form: High School, Car Detailer, Wildland Firefighter, Gun Safe installer, office manager, Private Investigators Assistant, Production Assistant, Art Director, Improv Teacher, Wardrobe Manager (Maker), Auto Cad Operator (plumbing design specifically), Dish Washer, Notary Public Teacher, ERB Costume Designer.

What's your dreams when it comes to your career? Was there a person in your life that just went like, "Wow, I want to be just like them."

Leisure is the ultimate dream. I would follow a career in costume, but would eventually like to be paid to do comedy. Either performing or writing.

If you had to pick one costume that you've designed as your day-to-day clothes for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?

From this season, Ronald McDonald. It's short sleeved and pretty easy to move around in. Not a huge fan of the yellow but I would make it work.

When and how did you meet Pete & Lloyd? And when did you start working on ERB stuff?

I met Lloyd first through his comedy theater. I was trying to take classes there and so I took an internship to pay for them. At that time Lloyd ran the place and he interviewed and hired me on. I met Pete later as our friend circles meshed together, but specifically through MaryDoodles. When we were at Maker I helped with little stuff, making props or helping on pieces and there; then by Season 5 I was Head PA or some such title. 

What is the one costume you were dreading designing, but ended up loving it when it was finished?

The Burger King was a tough one. I try not to meet any challenge with dread, but you can tell when something is going to be difficult. But, in the end it is one of my favorite ones.

Which costume this season are you proudest of? Which took a surprising amount of time/effort/money?

I would say Freud. Even though I didn't make it, we put a good amount of time, money, and effort into getting the right look and it turned out perfect. So much of it is from make up though, I can't praise them enough.

Peter or Lloyd or Atul; who's hotter?

These are the hard hitting question I'm looking for. It's a three way tie, pun heavily intended. It depends on what you are into they all have very attractive traits. 

When did you decide costuming was a passion of yours?

Mary told me I had to. I always loved Halloween and dressing up then my little sister started getting into Cosplay and anime and I took part in that a bit.

What historical figures do you really want to feature in an ERB?

I am listening to a lot of Philosophy stuff right now, so I would LOVE to see Diogenes. He was fire in his time, prime for rap. "In a rich man's house there is no place to spit, but his face." - Diogenes

What's the typical budget for an ERB battle - costume wise?

Atul told me a number at the beginning of the season, but I know I haven't hit cos I would have got an email. I really do try and keep it as thrifty as possible - that is just in my nature. If something is really expensive though I ask Pete to put it on his card.

What show(s) or film(s) are you most inspired by in terms of costume design?

I have been watching Power Rangers in Space lately which has been interesting. If you haven't seen it - you should check it out on Netflix. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show up and its as weird as it sounds. From a costuming stand point and a whole art design perspective they use this super minimalist style on everything except the monsters. It's like everything that is simple and clean is good and everything that is weird and chaotic is bad and that is how they operate in the PR universe. Also, Sabrina.

If ERB were to redo an older battle you weren't involved in, which would you most enjoy getting to remake for a costume point of view?

I gotta go with the people and redo Batman vs Sherlock Holmes. 

What character designs would you love to do for future ERBs?

Surprise me! I really do like that a random character is just presented to me and the guys basically say: "Hey you - make this now!

What was up with the eyes in the Freddy mask? It always throws me off. 

You would have to ask makeup about that. But, I believe the process of doing it like they do in the movies is crazy. There is a documentary where they go through it. But, essentially a mask isn't attached to your face like a prosthetic would be, so the movement doesn't look as natural.

How much research does it take to make a costume?

None. ;) No, that's not true. I hear who it is, I usually google them and read up a bit if I don't know who they are. Look at pictures of them, talk to Pete and Lloyd about any specifics and then just go for it. If you are trying to make your own Halloween or cosplay stuff try using action figure pictures for reference. You then get all the most important elements or essence of a character.

Did you like the new Hellboy movie?

I haven't seen it, but I did meet David Harbor once. We did an Improv show that was supposed to be like Season 2 of Stranger Things (before it came out) and as the show is ending, this dude stands up and yells something. I freaked a little cause I thought it was a crazy person, but it was David clapping and saying something like how did you guys get a hold of the script. Then he met us back stage and was a real sweet heart. 

If you could portray anyone in a future ERB who would you want to play?

If they ever did the Devil I would for sure be down for that. I don't think that would ever happen though. So... try to make it happen people!

When is the new ERB video coming out goddammit???

[Morgan sneaks out the door] But, the actual answer is soon. Pretty soon. A day or two. Maybe. As soon as we have it done. Once we are 99% happy with it. You can't rush these things yunno! But, we are getting there. We just don't like setting an exact date these days, cos some folk get a little gnarly if its late. :) But yes - 'soon' is the key word.

Thank you to everyone who submitted questions. We will do another Q&A soon. If there is someone on the ERB team in particular you'd like to grill with questions then let us know in the comments. 




You and Atul need to do an Odd Couple style show lol. I love how you two play off each other!