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Thank you to everyone who entered last months Quiz. Happy to announce we have joint winners! Two people managed to get all the answers correct AND also select Lloyd's hidden number - exceptional work guys.

The correct number was 888 and the two winners are 'DrPritch' and 'Matt H'. We have contacted both of them and they have kindly agreed to split the prizes on offer. (to avoid another tiebreaker round)

As it was the inaugural patron quiz we had a bumper set of four prizes on offer. Matt H will be receiving $50+ of merch and a signed lyric sheet. While DrPritch will receive a video phone call from epicLLOYD as well as the secret item from the S6E1 video shoot - which are [drumroll]... the dog tags Wolverine wore in the video. Pretty sweet swag!

We will be launching the May Quiz next week and we will put up all the details on this news feed, as soon as we have finalised all the questions and prizes! 

Thanks again to everyone who took part. Here is confirmation of the photograph of Lloyd holding up the number: http://www.erbofhistory.com/quiz

And below is a list of all the answers to the quiz questions:

1) Who is known as the Man of Blood and Iron? A: Otto Von Bismarck

2) Who was the first ever woman to travel into space? A: Valentina Tereshkova

3) Name of the plane that dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945 A: Enola Gay

4) Which American President established NASA? A: Dwight D. Eisenhower

5) Who was the first person to sail around the world? A: Ferdinand Magellan

6) The year Orson Welles, Yul Brynner and Rock Hudson have in common? A: 1985

7) How many official death during the Great Fire Of London in 1666? A: 6

8) How many bad guys did Deadpool actually injure or kill in the ERB video? A: 4

9) Bob Ross' year of birth plus Pablo Picasso's year of death = ? A) 3915

10) Colin J. Sweeney portrayed which character in an ERB video? A: Billy Mays

11) How many plays is it thought that William Shakespeare wrote in total? A: 37

12) Which ERB video featured Tay Zonday? A: Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury

13) In which year did Albert Einstein publish the 'Annus Mirabilis' papers? A: 1905

14) Which video features the line "I will choke this joker"? A: King vs Poe

15) I am gold and can be black and white. I'm a symbol for a nation, when freedom took flight. What am I? A: An eagle

16) I can be repeated but rarely in the same way. I can't be changed but can be rewritten. I can be passed down but should not be forgotten. What am I? A: History

17) I'm a rock group with four members. All dead and one was assassinated. What am I? A: Mount Rushmore

18) What number between 1 and 1000 is written on the paper that epicLLOYD is holding up? A: 888

Thanks again to every one who took part and best of luck next time. :)




I guessed 42 because it is the answer to life the universe and everything


I like how you can't just google everything 😂