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Howdee patrons! Hope you are happy and all doing well! :)

We wanted to post an update for you all with some bits of info on different things.


We've posted a demo above from the "Henry Ford vs Karl Marx" writing sessions. At this point in the writing we were planning some back and forth between the characters during the second verses. You'll hear a lot of lyrics that made the final version but also a whole chunk of lines that ended up being cut.

This coming week we will post up an demo from the "Godzilla vs King Kong" sessions so look out for that. New MakeThisBattle feedback is coming this week too. Seven match-ups have been selected so as soon as Peter has typed it up we will post that up on Patreon.

The new ERB Patreon Quiz will be coming out on Friday 26th April. As always we will have a selection of ERB memorabilia to be won and as ever... the questions will be tricky!

We are going to host a Live Stream or Discord Chat in early May. Just trying to work out a date for it at the moment - we'll let you know once we have one confirmed.


Peter & Lloyd have continued to develop ideas for an Election battle and they have been happy with the way its been shaking out. So, we now definitely believe there will be an Election based battle this year. Modern politics and elections obviously divide people but the guys are feeling confident they can make a great battle for it.

Writing development continues on "Tom Cruise vs Evel Knievel". We would ideally like to get that battle fully written and recorded before the European tour dates in June.

We haven't yet decided on what battle would come after those two matchups. I'm personally keen to do "Red Baron vs White Death". Regardless of what is selected, I think a good solid historical pairing would be needed just to balance things out in this run of matchups.


Tickets for our shows in the UK have been selling very well! The events in London, Birmingham, Preston & Edinburgh are now all sold out. Tickets remain on sale for Brighton, Cardiff & Glasgow. All of the key logistics for the trip are now finalised and the guys will be rehearsing hard in May to make sure we are ready to put on a bunch of great shows.

Hopefully soon we will be able to announce details of a show in Omaha, USA that will be happening in late September. We are just waiting for more information from the organiser. So, if you live in the area keep your eyes peeled for more details about that coming soon.


That concludes this update folks. Look out for the other stuff dropping this week.

Talk soon. -HM





Damn this demo goes absolutely nutty