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Hi, There are 3 works have been removed from patreon due to some rules violation problem, just want to make sure if everyone feel OK if I publish those works to twitter, please choose your decision here, thanks.





Which pictures were they? I think sharing them is okay especially if they were older rewards. It just means more people can see how awesome your art is!


1. It’s your art, do what you think is good for you :) 2. If we can’t see it here, at least (along with others who aren’t patrons) we’ll be able to see it on your twitter!


Is there some way to still download the original files for them? like to see them in HD, it's fine if it is not possible.


As your patreons we will support your work on any way❤️

Bill Collins

Just happy to see they didn't take more. So it was the 3 with potentially implied force? That's crazy, there's artists with way worse stuff on here.