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I've had a few suggestions for video topics that would be hot, but would be difficult to find a lot (8-10 minutes worth) of content for. Would you be interested in some shorter videos in between the long ones, exploring more niche kinks? (Age progression, Exotic Vore, Very specific TF themes, etc.)


Greg K

Would love to see a fart one if you'd be up for that. Love your content!!


I'm happy to put it among the options, but it's up to you guys to vote! Thank you for your support~!

Jay (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-08 16:57:09 Was also gonna suggest fart/stink related stuff, but seems that's already in the polls. Here's hoping it gets a little extra push to win! As for ideas, Dad TF or BIker Brute TF would be pretty hot. Though I wouldn't be opposed if either overlapped with the Pornpig concept, heh
2023-08-15 07:45:01 Was also gonna suggest fart/stink related stuff, but seems that's already in the polls. Here's hoping it gets a little extra push to win! As for ideas, Dad TF or Biker Brute TF would be pretty hot. Though I wouldn't be opposed if either overlapped with the Pornpig concept, heh

Was also gonna suggest fart/stink related stuff, but seems that's already in the polls. Here's hoping it gets a little extra push to win! As for ideas, Dad TF or Biker Brute TF would be pretty hot. Though I wouldn't be opposed if either overlapped with the Pornpig concept, heh