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Beloved Patrons,

For my movie theater map, I decided to go with what could be a Revival House or Repertory Cinema.

This had two advantages: I could map the entire building (including the projector room and storage upstairs), and it made the 'Vintage' variation of the map make sense.

Many theaters of this kind have rooms set aside to rent for private events or as lounges. I thought a nice bar that took advantage of the street-facing windows would be appropriate.

For you tactical GMs: the floor at the west end of the theater is 7' lower than the floor at the east end.


2940  × 2240 px; 70 px (5') grid; 42 x 32 Squares

Movie Theater $1 Survivor Rewards 

Movie Theater $2 Badass Rewards 

Movie Theater $3 Legend Rewards 



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