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Greetings everyone, as mentioned in last month's wrap up, in honor of Cyber Monday I'll be doing a bonus artwork featuring a robot/android girl. I have a few characters left over from last year, but I'll give you all an opportunity to provide some additional suggestions should you feel inclined.

This will operate the same way as the usual suggestion posts, the only requirement is that all characters submitted must be somewhat robotic in nature. This is not limited to only robots. Cyborgs, Androids, Artificial Intelligence, all types are welcome, as long as they possess some type of 'robotic' quality.

This is open to all patrons, so if you have a character in mind feel free to add a comment below with the name and source.

Vote for your favorites by Liking the comment. The characters ( up to 10 ) with the most Likes by the end of the suggestion period will be selected for the quick poll. Note: Duplicate character suggestions will not be counted more than once, only the comment with the highest number of Likes will count towards that particular character.

Suggestions are available for all patrons, so feel free to leave a comment. The deadline for character suggestions is Wednesday, November 16th by Midnight. So get your suggestions/likes in before then!

Note: For more information about how the polls and voting work you can refer to the main page for details.



Android 18 from Dragon Ball


I’d like to nominate Aya from Green Lantern if that’s okay! https://gltas.fandom.com/wiki/Aya


Bunnie Rabbot from the Archie Sonic Comics


Hey Shadow, I'm not sure if this character would qualify, she doesn't appear to have robotic qualities that I can tell?

Shadow ace

Sorry didn’t read the full post

Shadow ace

Major Motoko Kusanagi From ghost in the shell