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Comic concept I’ve wanted to do for awhile, 

having Abby interact with both Elizabeth and CC, in ghost forms, I didn’t know how to really set it up without it being too long BUT I figured out I could just use the plush vers of their animatronics to rep them, I felt like that was easier to understand without having both huge animatronics there or Abby talking to nothing 

The younger siblings laugh at their older brothers, seeing they are not part of their joke, I think Abby would get along with the younger Afton siblings, seeing she vibed so well with the missing kids. I think she’s just naturally likeable to those around her 

I wanted to give both ghost siblings too a unique look, seeing their ways of death and situations with semi different. So I’ve drawn cc before, with black tears white eyes, and inky black come off of him 

I’ve decided to add the ghostly black to Elizabeth as well, just so it’s obvious she’s also a ghost, though other stand outs for her is how her outfit is more red to resemble baby’s outfit, and she has striking green eyes that glow. Just showing at least in a small way she’s not entirely human 

I HOPE people like these takes on these characters,  they were a lot of fun to draw and hopefully I’ll draw more of Abby and the ghost Afton siblings 🩵🩵



Foxy Lovehound

Idk if they are the best influence for Abby

