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I had this comic idea basically APPEAR in my mind, I saw it so clearly 

So it’s been a second since I’ve last drawn Michael and Vanny interacting, mostly cause any idea with them is longer or not fully realized, they honestly could have a lot of interesting interactions just trying to think of them can be a challenge

mostly cause it gets into more game related lore things 

BUT this idea came to me instantly, an actual nice not awkward moment between the two! Where Michael just draws Vanny a photo of her costume, or “fursona” he calls it 

And Vanny being legit touched by it, it’s just like a nice little gift to be given 💜💜 take this as Michael maybe showing he doesn’t hate Vanny at all, they are just both extremely awkward and bad at communicating, but Michael is good at it through drawing 

Silly cute idea I wanted to do!! 💜🐇



Foxy Lovehound

William: ahhh the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


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