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So this is a comic I’ve been wanting to do for way too long, 

I wanted to do some lil comic where Abby reminds Michael of his sister, Elizabeth 

This comic has been reworked like a few times, mostly just to fit better with the current comes in doing, first I thought up their first meet Michael has this reaction 

Then I tweaked it so it woukd be after they know one another, and one last tweak to fit this idea into one page over two

Im glad I was able to finally put this idea into a finished comic! 

Michael is touchy about his past, he’s still regretful, so if Abby started to call him “brother” it just reminds him so clearly of his own siblings, he doesn’t want to tell Abby no, he’s not blunt around her, but he knows deep down she wouldn’t want him as a brother 

Michael is a character that’s defined by his grief and regret, so in a way it’s fun to explore that aspect of him, even a lil, GONNA BE CURIOUS how people will react this comic seeing it’s been awhile since I’ve drawn something “bittersweet” or “sad” PFF so it’ll be interesting!! I hope people like/get it though 💚💚
