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So yesterday was a crazy day for news, 

Dorohedoro season 2 was announced!! Which I’m personally so excited for, idk if yall love that series but I definitely do so you can expect some art for it sometime this year 💚💚 

So I was like hyped, then the next big hit was Matpat is officially retiring from YouTube, which has left me with a lot of mixed emotions BAHA as of late, it really feels like a changing of hands! The creators weve known on YouTube are passing on their torches to the next gen, definitely makes me feel old 

But in terms of Matpat, not like I watched every video, or believed all of his theories, and making jokes about game theory was fun. But I can’t deny, I have a lot of good memories with his videos, and I’m glad I have those, and I’ll miss putting on a new game theory video at random just to see what Matpat is yapping about BAHA he’s not totally gone, he’s still gonna be around just doing different products 

But I’m happy for him, and whatever he does next I hope it goes well 

I didn’t plan on drawing Matpat or any YouTuber for that matter for awhile, but I felt like I had to in this instance. It’s a special occasion, matpat now lives on in the FNAF universe 🙏🏾 




He wasn’t just good, he was the best. Man I’m still in mourning- I’ve seen every single weekly upload since the first FNAF one. I love him, I’m glad he’s giving us a backlog because if he quit cold turkey I’d be in shambles


YEAH, I’ve seen all FNAF theories, expect for very recent ones cause I’ve been finishing the games myself still, IF MATPAT was done like now with no new videos I would of been so sad 😭 I’m glad we get a handful more left. Now more than ever I wanna watch all the videos I’ve missed and idk watch some classics too

Foxy Lovehound

Can’t believe he’s gone man