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Hey guys! Wanted to stop in and explain whatā€™s been up and what I have planned for the new year!


- The Patreon,  the Patreon is currently in a WIP period, thatā€™s why content has been slow because Iā€™ve been working on re-working it. Thatā€™s also why I havenā€™t advertised anywhere the Patreon yet seeing I donā€™t feel comfortable to until itā€™s back in full operation. Which might take a month or so to fully work out the kinks, older patrons should know that, we in a casual mode. So I donā€™t over work myself, I hope yall can understand! But yes the state of the patreon rn is only temporary 

- JJBA art, I know Iā€™ve been drawing a lot of FNAF, but no worries cause I never wanted to just draw FNAF from now on, Iā€™ve just been low on JJBA ideas. Tbh I might ask some time what JJBA art yall like to see. Iā€™m more tapped into FNAF rn, but definitely not my only thing now, gonna try to sneak in more JJBA here and there

- Spicy art, SO I havenā€™t yet decided if how to fully deal with the leaking issue. Cause I think using email and or discord still has the potential of that art leaking. So I might wanna do more artistic nudity and or just suggestive over anything full on explicit. So Iā€™ll still draw pretty girls whenever I want. Honestly drawing nudity or spicy work, isnā€™t even my issue but itā€™s the attention I got for doing so. People seem to disrespect my boundaries more, so I think thatā€™s why the whole situation shook me up so bad. AND Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the attention I want going forward, so spicy work still getting tweaked. I havenā€™t drawn it for a bit to hopefully shake off those who would leak my art, I hope all of you understand! Pretty women will return soon šŸ’œ

New things

- Exclusive comics, this year I really want to focus on getting some more exclusive comics here. Itā€™s been an idea Iā€™ve only considered, but I think I definitely want to get to doing that, especially of some JJBA things, main idea being more FF reviews and also anything I wouldnā€™t post online normally. So more slice of life things between characters, and of course definitely some ship comics! I think that could be a lot of fun

- Animation,  so with procreate dreams coming out finally, Iā€™ve been slowly but surely studying the program so I can eventually make animations for both TikTok and maybe YouTube shorts? Think it could be a lot of fun, and is something Iā€™ve always wanted to do. With it, Iā€™m considering adding a new perk which is ā€œname shown as the end of videosā€ thatā€™ll be more when Iā€™m confident in my work enough to post animations, but I think that overall can be a fun addition. I planned to do that too if I ever made a mini comic to be purchased, similarly yall would be put in there too. So hope this year has more animation!

- Charms, The charms came in!! They came in a few days ago and Ive sorted them etc, but the restock of the jodio and dragona charms, along with the others are in! Iā€™ll have pictures to share soon! And Iā€™ll once again let everyone here have first dibs on buying each charm, I planned on dropping the charms weeks apart so yall will have a huge head start this time around šŸ’š In general I want to work to make more merch this year! Iā€™m definitely more familiar on how to do this, so expect some more fun stuff coming out over the year!  

- Sticker Club, SO another idea Iā€™ve been floating around as of late is a sticker club! Seeing Iā€™m making more merch, I thought maybe doing a sticker club here could be fun. Each month I send everyone in the top tier a new pack of stickers. I wanted to make one for each JJBA part, I think that could be a lot of fun. But itā€™s also something I have to look into, Iā€™ll probably make a different post asking more about this, but wanted to let you know Iā€™m floating the idea around!


I think thatā€™s everything I wanted to cover, if thereā€™s more Iā€™ll definitely make another post. Thereā€™s lots I want to do, and Iā€™m gonna do my best to do it, and Iā€™m only able to do as much as I do all thanks to you guys! Drawing is my passion, and I canā€™t thank yall enough for supporting me, and I hope this year Iā€™m able to deliver even more content you guys like! Sorry the last month or so has been slow, definitely wasnā€™t my intention but definitely needed a break in all respects of my life. Now though I do feel more energized and are taking the steps to getting everything I want done, actually done.

So yeah!! I love you all, thank you for such a great year last year, hereā€™s to an even better one this new year! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ



Oh my! I'm so looking forward to all of these, especially the animationšŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ½ (I recently did one too!) 2024 def gonna be the year of great animations!! and I always look forward to your work of any content even if I don't know everything about itšŸ˜­, and I can't wait to see those charms~!šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


Happy new year!!!


Iā€™m glad youā€™re excited to see the animations!! Cause thatā€™s something Iā€™m lowkey most excited about, just cause Iā€™ve been wanting to animate for so long so itā€™ll be fun to have a real stab at it šŸ©µšŸ©µ YOURE TOO SWEET tysm for continuing to support me no matter what I end up drawing! Means a ton, getting pics of those charms to share soon!! Ahh šŸ©µšŸ©µ