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Last comic of the year!

I personally don’t make a big deal out of new years, but wow was this a year for me. So much art, the most art I think I’ve ever done in one year! 

Ill reflect more in a text post, no special end of the year art, but a good message to leave off on, hey, don’t do drugs 👍 BAHAH 

Wanted to draw Abby and Michael again, Abby has a lot of questions on what Michael’s deal is, asking the first and probably most Imporant one,,, why he urple? 

Mike knows the answer so he told Michael not to give Abby the gruesome details and truth, so Michael did his best at lying, I think he did a good job BAHA 

Silly lil thing, honestly I wanted to do a comic with them, seeing the next comic with em will be angsty SO just building up to that 💜💜




He’s so good with kids XD (thinking also of the “he tripped and fell not our fault 🥰” one lmfao)


The 'why he ourple" continues 😭 and happy new year to you Chloe! it's great seeing your progression🤭🖤 and don't do drugs is a great ending message!


He’ll never outrun it 😔 ALSO HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you El for all your support over the years, means so much! 💜💜