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So, the end of the year is coming up,  Im probably gonna take my time in January to rework my Patreon around, though I’m curious and wanted to ask: 

Is patreon still fun and easy to use

Especially compared to other sites that have similar systems, like kofi has a membership system too 

and also, 

Does Patreon payout still work?

Lemme explain, basically ive gotten some messages from patron, and have also seem around that 

Patreon now has a habit of not showing art despite people being subscribed, or even cancelling their subs without their knowledge

THIS started awhile ago, when Patreon quietly changed banks. It had issues cause now it would decline taking money. It’s been months since the switch and still the problem is still around, no fix and they haven’t made much comment on fixing this. 

So I need to know from those here, how your experience has gone with payouts. Cause it’s kinda concerning, I’m hoping for an update in the new year, but if nothing changes I worry it might just get worse. SO please let me know how yalls experience been! 

Cause on my end, I honestly dont get notified if there’s been complications of any kind, honestly the patron manager has been almost useless cause it seems to get things wrong pretty regularly and doesn’t update quick enough. So asking yall directly is all I can do. I might ask free members this too another time but first to all of you actually subbed.

If you at all had difficulties I’m sorry in advance! I really wish things here were more smooth 😭🙏🏾



You're my first and only Patreon so I don't really have much in experience with this site, I like the layout and stuff but if you were to move I'd be fine. Whatever works best for you is most important I think, since you're the content provider, you need a comfortable work environment.


I haven't had any issues myself, patreon is pretty easy but if you ever wanted to switch platforms I wouldn't mind!