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People have been asking for this, Abby and Michael meeting,, finally got around to it!! Tbh l've been meaning to draw them interacting for awhile, but it was a matter of figuring out how I wanted to go about it. This comic developed a couple times, I had like two other versions before this, which will now be their own comics (which I can't wait to draw!!) Abby would not be scared of Michael, we all know she'd just think he's super cool BAHA 

If she thought all the animatronics were chill, even after they tried to kill her, Michael is like nothing. He's just a lil purple, to her she got a second brother! Mike should have seen this coming tbh Abby is simply fearless, no doubt she'd overwhelm Michael too with all sorts of questions. She'd want to everything she could, tbh I think Michael would be more worried about netting Abby. 

For one, not wanting to scare her with his complexion, and two, he doesn't exactly have a great track record with younger siblings, so I understand he might be just, worried. Kinda stift, kinda awkward, but overall doing his best to be nice. After 100 questions from Abby I bet he'll relax a little, it'll actually be fun to do more silly lil comics with Michael trying to be a older brother again, so if you guys likes this you can definitely expect more of it!

Would of posted this yesterday but was short on time, so here it is now 🩵
