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Michael of ALL people would know a furry if he saw one, seeing who his dad was 😭😭 he of all people would know if he saw one (tbh movie Vanessa too but idk if she’s come to terms on that yet BAHAH) 

Game Vanessa was just trying to do a cool spooky introduction and Michael just had to ruin it, don’t worry queen I still think you’re very cool 

TBH I’ll probably do a more ‘serious’ comic on this concept some time, seeing people were asking about it BUT FOR NOW? we goof,, we do a lil joke 

Another comic that kinda just came to me last minute that I had to do, I’m simply not immune 💜💜

🎄ALSO I think I’ve sprained or just tired out my drawing arm (lomg story very short, it was because of VR) so I hope that heals up before the end of the year 

I’ve been trying to not overwork that arm, but also trying to finish arts, the holidays has proven to be more packed than I first thought. I’ve also gotten messages about patreon cancelling people’s pledges early, I CANT believe Patreon hasn’t fixed the banking problems yet after months of knowing there’s an issue. There’s nothing much I can do but double check y’all’s status, etc 

I‘m maybe considering moving to kofi if this keeps being a problem, but we’ll see if maybe the new year will bring new updates that fixes these issues. I’d hate to leave here so nothing is concrete even slightly, BUT just wanted to let  yall know what’s been going on!! love yall and thank you for supporting me 💜💜



Foxy Lovehound

Vanny is just Vanessa’s fursona (Also dear god now im imagining Vanny going uwu or rawr xd)