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Vanessa learns the one rule of FNAF: he always comes back,, 

THIS is a silly comic I’ve had on the back burner for a lil bit, didnt mean to do this concept so late, but I’m glad I got around to it 🙏🏾

Seeing I pause on the Michael and Vanessa friendship strain, to focus a lil on Michael becoming purple, now I can wrap back to this 

Vanessa trying really hard to off her dad BAHA but Michael has to tell her basically not to get her hopes up CAUSE HE knows very well it’s hard to kill william BAHAH 

Had fun making this one, always fun to draw these two just having common ground of hating William 🤝



Foxy Lovehound

William has brushed with Death so much he should start giving him high fives when he passes him


Love how after Micheal got scooped in your comics he's just chilling like that, what a winner