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Wouldn’t be a posting week for me if I didn’t suddenly draw some angst or horror  art, so here’s both at the same time🔥

This was a little concept I had for awhile, which was comparing or showing? The similarities between Michael and Vanessa, as in the trauma they’ve suffered

We don’t have a great idea about Vanessa’s childhood or backstory yet, but it has been mentioned in scripts, etc that Vanessa did witness the missing children's incident, I’m assuming as a child herself. I really want people to regard Vanessa in the same way they do Michael, so putting the missing incident and the bite of 83 next to one another felt right

especially, my main reason for putting these two next to one another, is the top panels, its fredbear and spring Bonnie, I thought it was neat symmetry that both these suits are the core to these incidents, and having them next together like they are on stage is haunting

Tried my best too to not make these shots overly Gorey, seeing that’s not really the point of the drawings, less is more, and I think just the shots and the quiet suggestions is far more powerful then more blood, gore,etc could ever do so I hope I did that successfully too 🙏🏾 

Btw I started planning out my schedule again, it’s been hard to catch up after the events in November but I am really sitting down to fix it up, so fingers crossed I get this together! I’ve been sleeping better too, which might aid this whole process, wish me luck💗💗




bros was hungry hungry