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As of now! All posts that were reuploaded to Reddit has been taken down,

Reddit actually did get back to me! They approved me DMCA, and took down the bulk of the posts that were reuploaded, and it seems any new post is being taken down by the Mods now of the subreddit. Which I greatly appreciate!

Idk if they caught onto what the guy was doing or what but either way I thank them!! Even if not directly šŸ©µ

Iā€˜M so relieved I was able to do something about this, even with damage being done, at least I was able to make sure the post werenā€™t just up forever on such a public site.

With that all said, Iā€™m currently looking into how I can prevent a similar outcome, Iā€™m again almost flattered that people wanted to see my spicy work and liked it that much, that they were willing to leak it over and over, but on the other hand it does suck. So Iā€™m considering maybe getting a discord, so all uncensored art can be there and we can actually moderate who sees what. And be more aware if someone decided to leak the work. Running a discord isnā€™t something I ever planned on doing but Iā€™m looking into it. if you guys have any other suggestions definitely let me know, maybe a Dropbox link, or dms, email maybe, Iā€™m not sure

I already had plans on reworking my Patreon for the new year, and this situation kinda just pushed this process of change to the forefront of my priorities. When I have more information ready Iā€™ll definitely let you guys know! But a change thatā€™ll happen soon, like for December soon!

- I will now draw OCS for both suggestion boxes, sketches and doodles!

I have the plan to focus less on just spicy work, but also more on requests and ocs! I think one of my problems was emphasizing too much on the spicy art aspects, over the slurry of other features here. Cause I think in the grand scheme I really donā€™t draw that much Spicy work, so gonna try and share all features more to people outside the Patreon. I havenā€™t even properly introduced the fact I draw ocs here now, so my next roundup post will be on the oc sketches Iā€™ve done!

other ideas Iā€™m considering is

- changing the word ā€œspicyā€ to ā€œadult contentā€ which can include nsfw, gore, etc - Maybe doing exclusive comics here could be fun, stuff I wouldnā€™t post online but could easily play out here. Could be fun to do some more story stuff, could be in my sketch style and what not

- definitely just a thought, but maybe cutting back on JJBA smut in particularly, seeing I think in some respect people are starved for that sorta content, and thatā€™s why it got people itching to leak it in the first place. So diversifying.what I draw here could help. Iā€™m even just considering making my own ocs that I then can do whatever with, so can keep up the content and its less weird somehow if its leaked cause I doubt there would be a want to.

|_ funny sorta addition to this idea, is maybe I should draw more MLM art, and slutting out more men, so maybe I can shake off those who really wanna see boobs, Iā€™ve been meaning to draw more men (drawn mostly women cause itā€™s the gay in me winning)  so honestly I think maybe that could work. I could also just self censor cleverly with hair, etc etc,

to be clear all of these ideas are just that rn, ideas Iā€™m tossing around, so do let me know what you guys think and if any of these new additions sound appealing!

As of right now, all spicy art is currently untagged, so while I figure out what Iā€™m going to do, nobody new can come through and try to do the whole process over again, itā€™s the only way I could figure out stopping drive byers, without outright deleting the posts, I rather avoid doing that. Which Patreon had an archive system so then I could just hide them away safety. You can still find some in the exclusive art tag, but anything very explicit currently has no tags. Though there is a chance I will need to delete all the posts for the time being, so if you canā€™t find said posts again thatā€™s why but I am looking for a new way to house them, so they wonā€™t be gone forever šŸ©µ

I like to apologize to all of you here, your guys support means a lot to me, so I do feel bad that these steps have to be taken for the time being. Cause I know most if not all of you here, did nothing wrong and have been nothing but respectful and really encouraged me! Kept me able to keep drawing everyday, Iā€™m unbelievably grateful, and I wish this month was more dedicated to us having fun than whatever did happen during it. Fingers crossed next month will be better! Again tysm, when I have plans more figured out Iā€™ll let all of you know as soon as I can šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ

(SORRY for how long this text post came out, had more to say than I thought)



I think we can officially classify this as "poggers"


Yay!! I'm genuinely so happy for you! This definitely calls for cheers! and whatever you want to do I'll be here to support it!šŸ–¤šŸ–¤