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So awhile ago, like I think literally my first fnaf drawings in response to the trailers, I drew out game vs movie drawings of both Mike and William, just comparing the two for fun, and they did pretty well! Truly those were omens for the future pff 

So I wanted to do one for Vanessa as well, but I couldn’t figure out a funny lil convo they could have in a doodle, without giving away some big spoilers. Then last night I was hit with this, a simple lil mini comic about her deal 

ITS pretty funny to compare movie Vanessa and game Vanessa, cause game Vanessa at this point is already like far gone in brain control,,, though I’d say both Vanessa’s are definitely not having a good time to be fair 😭

WHICH btw! along with this draft, I sketched up a ton more, so yall can FR expect me sharing comic drafts, big and small, for the next week or so, which is great! finally hit on my creative strive again. I actually have a ton of animation ideas too, which I’m drafting out and those ill have to slightly wait on WAITING for Procreates new app for animation, once that drops its all over BAHA I become powerful 🔥🔥

Anyway hope y’all like this lil thing! More to come, and working on requests too, y’all gave out a lot of good ones🩵🩵🩵




AHH I LOVE THIS😭😭 girlie going through hell and back


I know the movie and game canons are separate and we shouldn’t take any new info from the movie(s) as info for the games, but Vanessa connection to William in the movie makes me think a lot more about Vanessa from the games. Also great art!


YES ACTUALLY I agree, tbh I always found Vanessa as a character interesting, for game Vanessa I kinda considered Vanessa like a new daughter to William. So the movie connection just made that idea like more full, which I really like. I’m curious how both canons will handle Vanessa from now on, ALSO tysm!! 💜


Yeah at first I didn’t think of Vanessa as William’s new daughter (kinda cause we don’t really know how Vanessa/vanny feel about William aside of being a reluctant follower), but with the movie I 100% see that now.