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So I’ve been saying I had plans to more “horror” based comics, and I finally got around to doing one of those :-) 

The idea is that once Hayato saw Kira being his father for the first time, he immediately couldn’t recognized him,, so this comic is around that idea, just a man he can’t recognize the face of, someone wearing his father’s skin 

Missed drawing scary Kira so this was a nice return to form! I definitely want to do more spooky comics this month, this is kinda a “starter” comic if you will? just to ease everyone into the other ideas I have cooking, this one is sorta straight forward (least to me) but definitely next comics might be even more “horrific“ least I hope it will, I think I made some pretty good scares to come 

anyway I hope you guys like this!! and thank you for the request and excuse to draw stuff like this again 🩷🩷

(I MEANT to post this earlier but the schedule feature messed up a lil, so sorry for the later upload 🩵)



Foxy Lovehound

Kira: i fucked your mom shit lips


I need like a AU where Kira just meets and falls in love with shinubo without the hand murders😭🖤