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As promised!! Here’s the alt ver of todays photo, I’m not immune to the evil women 💜💜💜

Shes technically a normal business women,, So gotta love a women in a suit!! No lie I kinda wanna draw her more but in office scenarios, like taking her heels off, being at work get togethers, working a long night at her desk. These aren’t exactly spicy but idk, I think this is what originally endeared me to Kira, overall they are pretty normal pff also I just like drawing tights- BAHA 

Anyway I hope y’all love her, take her hand it’ll be safe promise 💜💜 




Omg … she’s my fav.. hello ma’am.. what beautiful… eyes you have 😳


Do you think she'll give a ... HANDjob? I'll see myself out