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Sorry Dragona lovers, we lost! BAHDGGF 

Her straight up saying she doesn’t even wear pink is so funny to me, like araki had enough of us all drawing his OC wrong 

I started with drawing Dragona with green and purple so I’ll revert back to those definitely, purple Dragona supremacy 💜💜💜 

Rip to Usagi but also not seeing he gaslit everyone into thinking dragona was pink BAHA 



Donald Kent

Araki played us like a damn fiddle. I choose to believe Usagi over Araki, pink chan supremacy 🙏 Also Dragona is absolutely SLAYING here - love this color palette for them, but I still hope we get them in pink later 💕💕


Usagi we believe in 🩷 HONESTY I was thinking about what if the manga colours or later the anime, puts dragona in pink anyway BAHA one day we’ll get an official pink Dragona drawing 🙏🏾

Foxy Lovehound

Dragona: boi i don’t even wear pink