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Ughhhhhjhj SO I love Splatoon, Im an active player, SO the side order DLC trailer drop has reworked my brain chemistry once again 

So I needed to like draw something Splatoon related, seeing I’ve only ever drawn the SO girls as Splatoon characters, I decided to do Jodio and Dragona too! Super cute to do,, 

I kinda wanted to draw something with Side order itself, it reminds me of portal, so I might draw something like that sometime,,, for now, the sillies 🩵🩵🩵

Been a little busy lately, but over the weekend imma try to draw more drafts and patron requests! So keep y’all’s eyes out for that 💗💗💗




i love your splatoon crossovers


The crossover we all needed😭💜 I love splatoon sm and dragona as an octoling is so real 🙏


I literally just started playing splatoon 3 yesterday with my GF and I cannot stop playing it. I have no clue how I didn’t know it was this good


YESS, I’m glad I have some Splatoon fans here, ALSO YES, Jodio and Dragona would kill it at ranked battles I know it


ITS SOO GOOD, I started playing it at Splatoon 2, and I similarly didn’t know it would be so fun going in, I’m usually not into competitive games but Splatoon just hits the spot 😭