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I did Kars and never actually made designs for any of the other pillar men, so first up is AC/DC! Seeing one of y’all suggested em next, so might as well!

I‘m not even joking, I love her 😭 the fluffy curly hair is sooo cute!! See I didn’t know going in how to really make esidisi fem, but once I started to draw it just came together. I wanted to make her design fun, seeing acdc themselves is probably the most goofy of the bunch, so hopefully that’s reflective in how she looks. Shed be the life of the party!!

Also acdc outfit was already revealing so not many tweaks I could do, if this was a more serious design, I’d definitely give her a more full top but for spicy sake, she keeps the boob pads 💗💗💗 BAHA also the large chest, like the pillarmen as is we’re all already thick, so I have to keep that too, it’s on brand 

TBH because I like her, and Kars designs sm I kinda wanna draw them in modern clothes, I definitely want to draw them being a couple, they would be such a pretty couple, so expect that sometime 💜 watch as I just make all these genderbends basically my ocs 🙏🏾💗💗




shes too hot too handle and not just because of the magma flowing in them titties


If the Pillar Men were actually the Pillar Women, I actually wouldn't mind if they conquered the world. Yes, I am the type of lesbian to simp for powerful, evil women. I don't regret it.


What if. Polycule pillarfemme?


When are we gonna get Johnny joestar oiled up 🙌🏼