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My friend has been suggesting I do this for awhile now, so I decided to finally just do it! Giorno and Jodio swapping hairstyles, I THINK they both look pretty cute 

Giorno’s bangs hang, while Jodio with the donuts, upper face exposed, super cute 💗💗 

Pretty fun to make, finally fills in that curiosity on how they’d look in the hairs, I honestly thought it would be more cursed but it turned out alright, it works even 🩵🩵




Hold up jodio woth giorno hair actually looks good..!

Donald Kent

I just know they'd both hate this so much but I simply love it 🙏❣️


THEY WOULD no doubt, that’s why they are both so bashful, they like their hair as is 😤 TYSMM 💗💗

Foxy Lovehound

Jodio: i don’t feel good Mr.Krabs