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Finished this comic! super easy and fun to make, I am still a bit under the weather so doing my best to draw and rest equally 😭 so mini comics are my friend least for this week! 

I love FFs expression in both panels, not a thought in that head of theirs, totally blank, she’ll get better at using her eyes don’t worry 🩵🩵🩵

Also from now on (least as of rn) my comics posted publicly will have my name in it, “Chloesimagintion“ but here it’ll be clean without the watermark! Tbh I’ve always put my name on bigger comics but mini comics I didn’t think it was totally necessary, but seeing I’ve seem to have become more ‘popular’ my comics are getting reposted more often and unfortunately without credit sometimes. So I have to start putting credit back myself, I hope it goes over well and people don’t mind the watermark too much BAHA 

I’m pretty lenient when it comes to people reposting my work, and overall I don’t mind, but definitely this is more just a safety net 💗🙏🏾 
