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Two doodles here I made a bit ago, these were practice drawings! I was trying out different brushes and styles, I like how solid these two came out with the shading. It’s like you can really feel the dimensions of them, like on Dios arms and pecs, and Mista’s neck 

I hope to use techniques like these more often!! 



Donald Kent

I read Dio and Mista and thought it was a crossover 😳 that said, I REALLY like the way Mista turned out here, making our stinky boy gorgeous. Dio looks absolutely fabulous as well, but that is to be expected of our queen 🙏


TBH I’d love to draw Mista and Dio interacting, it be pretty funny I think, OH AND SAME, the mista drawing is definitely my favourite but I’m biased seeing he’s my favourite pff, tysm btw!!


Dude these new brushes n style is so pretty I wanna see like daiya or kak or omg hato in this, youre so talented omg😭🖤🖤