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Can you tell I’ve been watching better call Saul pff I’m actually almost done it! Last 5 episodes to go, then I’ll be watching thru breaking bad 

Seeing JoJolands is seemingly based off these shows, with having references to them, I’m just waiting to see a lawyer stand user to show up! Their own Saul type, Ive always thought a court case debate being a stand fight would be really cool, so I hope we get that!!

Saul is based off well, Saul of course he’s the same, but his stand is “winner takes all” designing this was fun, a mix between lady liberty, the justice statue, a space blanket, and Kim, it took a couple of designs to get it right but I like what I’ve ended up with!! They were also semi based off an earlier design I made, for a “what if“ Hayato spin off, a lawyer character, I’ll add a pic of him at the end of the pictures. His name was Jayce Penni pff Jury still out on which ”law related” character design I like more, but both were fun to make 🩵🩵🩵



Donald Kent

That stand looks so sick 😳 can't wait to see it colored. Also, Jujutsu Kaisen had a court case "stand" battle (cursed technique battle) if that series interests you at all, though it's not in the anime yet


Thank you!! Also really? I wouldn’t know cause I haven’t watched Juju, I’ve never been that compelled to look into it but maybe sometime I’ll read it!! Though after breaking bad that is pff

Donald Kent

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! it has a lot of stuff that jojo has, including wacky characters with unique abilities, big brain 5000 iq fights and characters dying when they don't deserve to. it's a top 5 series for me definitely x)