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Finished this!! I find the more I draw him, I actually really like to draw Fugo, is this why so many people are attached to him BAHAHA I’m pretty neutral about him, but drawing him? Top tier, I think it’s his hair, outfit, overall vibe, which is fun. Makes sense seeing he’s like, in a Swiss cheese fit pff 

I‘m considering of making a sequel to this comic like with the mirror stand, mirrors are Fugos main enemy after this, which I think is pretty funny, but we’ll see! There are other Fugo related comics I’d probably like to do first hehe 💚




[Made in Heaven] Make her do comics for the next 2 weeks in one night....What do you mean she already did that?


BAHAHA I figured out how to maximize,, if I colour one comic, I’ll do the lineart for the next one, making it so I finish the next comic the next day, I’m getting more powerful 🌀🌀🌀


Fugo is so beautiful in ur styld omggg