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We finally found out who the identity and meaning of the rabbit on the first JoJolands promo art, it was Usagi all along 

This comic I just wanted to make a joke about that, how I think Jodio would of definitely preferred the rabbit 😭 He should lighten up though, I though Usagi is just as silly as a bunny 

Speaking of silly, this is a very silly comic I’m not sure if people on my mains will vibe with this one as much but that’s fine 🔥🔥🔥 Currently finishing up the second comic I got for this week, hopefully then I’ll have some time to work on other things 

Don’t think I forgot about the Ermes and Jolyne DJ, just been on an art stride recently and didn’t want to break it so soon, hopefully get some sketches etc for it, anyway hope you guys like this! 




Like...best jobro ever forever 🩵💙🩵💙

Donald Kent

We got the bunny reveal, hot dog user reveal and the diamond own reveal all in one chapter, Araki is making sure nit to forget anything 🙏💕