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I’ve officially finished all the six comics I was working on! I’m actually pretty shocked I was able to finish that many in one week Pff Bit the bullet and I think it paid off!

I feel like you can tell I’ve gotten really into liminal spaces with that shot of the waterpark. Always been fascinated by it but now I’m unwell enough to begin drawing it and sneaking it into comics 👍🏾 Love cute girls and the void. With the Halloween season in full swing I become real aware that I just love drawing horror, I should draw more spooky things. I actually have a slurry if original ideas cooking which I might be able to start making next year (planning on getting a pc) so stuff on this Patreon might get real active

this is all future vision talk 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾 Rn I hope you enjoy this comic! And I’ll probably be doubling up posts this week seeing I got a lot to share! 



Donald Kent

wow the colors in the first one... make me feel fuzzy and happy inside 💕💕💕


I wish I went with em