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Guys I logged the hell in, bro I’m making so many drafts as we speak (most being ff related 😭) 

But fr seeing so many other artists actually draw SO art is giving me so much power, I’ve been alone out here making comics for this part and now many others have joined the grind. Huge, enormous even

Never EVER leave FF out in the sun🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 It’s bad for their skin, they won’t just get sunburn, but actually fry up!! I can confirm this idea definitely stemmed slightly from splatoon and it’s humour with its sea creatures pff (also the excuse to draw the girls in beach outfits again 💚💚💚)  




Lots of Chloe comic drafts? AND Most being Foo related?? I see this as an absolute win!!!! Btw, do you still doodle stuffs by ko-fi donation?


FF has logged into my mind 🌀🌀🌀 also yes I do! Just keep in mind I might do the request a little later this month seeing rn I gotta catch up on art 🙏🏾💗


Sweet!! Also yeah dont even worry, I’m flat broke right now so I cant even throw ya a few extra bucks 😔