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New month! Thanks to everyone who’s sticking around, even through my current changes to this Patreon 

Promise I am still working on fixing up this place, just finding the time to do it between making my daily art and plus all the irl stuff I have to get around to, is making the process a little slow

But my goal is by the end of this month, the tiers, goals, art displays, etc will be updated and this Patreon will be like officially launched to some extent. Some ideas like making a video explaining my ideas will take more time, so that’ll come later (like later this year or something, I need to get the better tech for it, my poor laptop will explode otherwise pff) 

Right now though working on an outline, and also huge news, I ordered my first pack of charms! I’ve always wanted to make merch, and I finally just did it. So that’s coming in, once I get them I‘ll share pics here.

So spooky, I have to get a business license and make a shop Ah! Lots to do, but it’s like good stress. So that’s coming up and of course more comics/art are coming too expect some new stuff maybe Friday and over the weekend 💗💗💗

Once again tysm for supporting me here, means so much to me and I hope to keep making content you guys love ✨✨



merch sound really exciting, cant wait to be able to get some

Donald Kent

cannot wait to buy out your shop 😳