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Ok so I knew I drew this these a lot, but it’s funny seeing it all together.

Who are these two: This is “Cadence Momo Kawajiri“ and ”Joaquin Cujoh”, Joaquin was created by my friend Link (Pokeparkfan on twitter) and so I made Joaquin a jobro, with Cadence Kawajiri. These two were made originally for fun, with them having their own fake part called “part 6.5” but after awhile I got serious about writing them a story. Cadence was my first oc, and they are technically the reason why I’m making other parts as well like Hayato college deal. Seeing this is a masterpost I’ll give quick personality rundowns on both of these two. In the future I’ll probably say more but this is the basic idea of these guys

Joaquin Cujoh: Joaquin is a tall lumbering student, you wouldn’t know it at first seeing he arches his back a lot making him appear smaller. Joaquin is very go-with-the-flow, most people really like him for it, he’ll agree to do almost anything. He can be dense, and take awhile for him to understand social cues. Though he is anything from stupid, quite the opposite, Joaquin has photographic memory, he doesn’t forget anything. Though because if this, he can get lost in his own thoughts which makes him come off as forgetful and even aloof. His stand is “Full moon fever” and let’s him control the gravity of people and objects.

Cadence “Momo” Kawajiri: Cadence is a slim, pretty boy, it’s obvious he takes great care of his own appearance. From his hair, to the bandaids on his hands, to the way he dresses. Cadence is a violinist and is very passionate about his craft, it’s unlikely you’d see him without his violin case. Compared to Joaquin, Cadence is far more assertive and driven, he’s very sociable and just knows what to say in any given conversation. But even with all that, he chooses to be alone. Mysteriously not having any friends until eventually being befriended by Joaquin himself. In return Joaquin learns that Cadence is very loyal, and far more reactive, for better or for worse his feelings really control him. Cadence has the stand “unchained melody“ it’s power being able to control any person/object through rhythm, Cadence using his violin to focus his ability.

Their dynamic: In all counts, Cadence and Joaquin are complete opposites, from the way they act, dress, even their personalties are the exact opposite. But even through all of this, they actually get along extremely well, any short comings of one, the other can easily fill in with their own talents. Joaquin is quiet but listens, while Cadence can talk on and on about things, they enjoy each other’s company like that. They even switch roles when Joaquin wants to info dump, Cadence is happy to listen. Cadence can talk to anyone with ease for Joaquin, while Joaquin can be more patient with people for Cadence. Their stands are even commentary, where Joaquin can make things float and Cadence can move them. During battles they will constantly mix their powers together to win.  They are reliant on one another, they need each other, they understand one another. 

I can’t wait for when I’m actually able to draw them out interacting, I honestly love them dearly and I just think their story together is just wild BAHA So lots to look forward to. Sorry again for another just huge post. Also I’ll tag anything about this story as “part 6.5” but it’s just a place holder name for now. Also the first couple of drawings are a lot older, I didn’t even notice I still had them on hand ✨✨✨

NOTE: A lot of the drawings in this post are more or less jokes or made for fun, so don’t take them too seriously.



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