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Who is Dakota: Dakota is probably my favourite from the Hayato group of characters, his design just hasn’t changed at all. Same clothes, same vibes, everything.
So Dakota is a Native American artist, he came from Canada to study at this school. One of his favourite artists is Rohan Kishibe, so you could imagine his shock that Hayato actually met him before. His personality is very bold, he’s loud and determined. Most people mistake him for a jock, when really he’s just a huge art nerd. All the energy a jock would have for sports, is how Dakota acts towards art. He’s Hayato’s dorm room partner, originally being hostile towards Hayato, before coming around and totally befriending him. On all accounts I think you could consider Dakota Hayato’s “Jobro” 

Design talk: Dakota design inspiration is sorta hard to define, cause my goal was just to make a buff guy with effeminate features. So the long hair and even his outfit was made out of that idea, the clothes are very much based off something you‘d see on a fashion runway. All the patterns though are all native in nature, I didn’t want to just cover him in native tropes like feathers, etc. But I definitely wanted something there, seeing native patterns are very visually interesting. Also behind his right ear isn’t hair, but paint brushes, giving this effect like he almost has very long eyelashes.

Hayato and Dakota dynamic: I honestly can’t wait to draw more of him and Hayato, they are total opposites in a lot of ways, but have the same amount of drive to figure out what’s going on at their strange college campus. Hayato may seem to just be tolerating Dakota, but really I think he finds some comfort in him. Mostly reminding him of Okuyasu, which it’s nice to have that similar energy around him in an unknown place. I could go on and on but I’ll stop here.

like snowy, I’ll be posting his stand in a different post, this description of explaining is long enough as is lol 



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