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About the design:
Even though I’m showing off Hayato first, Hayato was actually the last character I figured a official look for when it comes to characters for his story.  It’s mostly because he’s already a character and other original characters I made up needed more thought and time to them.  Hayato’s design is a mix of a very classic detective look, and references to the events/characters in part 4. The most noticeable one is definitely his shirt, which is like Jotaro’s (I like to think Hayato in some sense looked up to him) but there is also the heart pins for Josuke, or even the numbers on his jacket. A reference to his time with Kira (there’s a specific Araki art piece of Hayato and Kira, and those numbers are written on Hayato’s face) There’s also some slight storytelling going on with his look that could tell you about his personality, like him wearing gloves, having a holster around his leg, and even carrying around his side bag. He’s very paranoid, and in a sense ready for any bad event that could happen.

About the story: I’ve never really gone in detail of what story I even have for Hayato, to simply put it Hayato is accepted into a very high end school in Europe. The school having the best of the best from all around the world on their campus grounds, Hayato being accepted in for his skills in robotics. Once there Hayato gets some friends and starts his normal college life, until a murder takes place, and out of Hayato’s own need to keep people safe, he starts investigating into this death. Slowly opening up the weird mysteries about the school itself, and the staff and students that reside in it.

Thought process behind the story: Personally I just think a jojo-like story taking place in a huge college campus is fun, (there actually isn’t many anime that takes place in college in general) I think stories that take place in one really interesting area, where the place is explored and they learn all the secrets to the place is cool. I still gotta map out the school myself but I got some baselines, I’ll share more sometime if I draw out the map. Hayato himself won’t have a stand but has other means of telling where stands are and fighting them, one way is his own intelligence and inventions. The other is help from allies, but there is something else too, a old camera that gives him vague hints. It’s still a WIP so I can’t say much but this sorta leads into my next point 

I think Hayato’s part is sorta like “Thus Kishibe Rohan spoke” not in story structure, but the introduction into weirder unexplainable things that aren’t simple stand users. I actually really enjoy Rohan’s short stories, and just wanting to expand on that idea. That the jojo world itself is a lot weirder than people even know. So Hayato‘s part may have stand users, but there will be stranger things there as well. This sentiment sorta goes for every jojo story I’m writing for fun pff 

SORRY for all this info dumping, but I hope you find it interesting in some way, I’ll be sharing more Hayato story characters as I go along. I have no name yet for Hayato’s deal, I have some vague ideas as of now like “Phantom thread” but I’ll just dub it “Thus Hayato spoke“ in the tags. Until a finalize a real name lmao 




OH YEAH I’d love to see a story of Hayato in college! There def needs to be more college animes in general For now, High School of the Elite remains as my top favorite college anime 😎


I love the idea of Hayato becoming a super paranoid adult because the events of part 4 definitely traumatised him on some way or another. Probably has a bad case of Imposter Syndrome since it actually happened to him.


IM so happy to hear that fr, I think Hayato is a super interesting character that could be expended on. I just hope others find it just as interesting LOL Also I’ve never seen High school of the Elite, but I heard of it. Maybe I should check it out sometime 😳


Oh you get it, that’s how I feel too definitely. Another mysterious death happening around him too must panic him into trying to stop it. Like he’s convinced he has to help ahh