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I think about the mini game cut scene we got is sister location where Michael is just walking down the street and is progressively getting more and more rotted away

It’s honestly a super cool and chilling scene even now, but it does make me wonder,,,

Michael was a super popular guy at one point, seeing all his neighbours would wave to him

Obviously the scenario in the mini game is more a representation of what happened, but still means Michael use to be pretty accepted and well liked in his community

Which is super interesting to me, and I wonder sometimes if he misses that part of his life. Seeing post bite incident, I’m guessing he had to do a lot to just gain back the trust of everyone in the town etc THATS MY own guess btw idk if it’s true at all, but it is interesting. He seemingly came back around from his whole bully deal from when he was a teen

So decided to make a comic around this idea, with Michael explaining the events from sister location to movie Vanessa, and needing to stop to mourn his old life

Super cool to draw, especially the first panel, with the setting and also like just Michael’s Ennard look. That was really fun to design, it’s in the early on stages, so Michael is still semi normal looking, but I got this idea that Ennard is forcing Michael to do everything he’s doing, so he forces end smile and wide eyes onto him and to walk in a stride cause that’s normal

It’s super spooky and I really like it,,, maybe I’ll draw a design in full sometime but this was cool 💜💜💜



Foxy Lovehound

Vanessa: you were literally in agony Michael: yeah but…..me was cool

